Troll Kingdom

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My latest fiasco.............


Geeezzzz..............I just don't get people who try to run games and think they are so good at it and I am just a dumb mutt.

Mutts tend to be smarter than pure-breds.

I had this Hoe chick try to troll me, I caught on fairly quickly, but because I liked her............I let her run the game. I believe in building their egos and helping them along with their game but when they think they are so good at it that they need to teach me how to run a game............I get tired of playing.
I lost my patience Friday night. I set up a troll (thru this chick cause I knew she wouldn't catch on), I even warned her several times that I was going to troll and had been trolling for a while..............she had the nerve to set up one of the weakest games yet--then she pulled an innocent bystander into it. I have to draw a line in the sand when you start pulling a bunch of people into some high school bullshit is ridiculous!!! I even warned her not to pull this grade school game and she did it anyway. THEN........when she realized she may not be able to pull it off she got as nervous as a crackHoe in church!!! Then she pulled Jon into it and he actually tried to play it out which was really lame of him!!!! I was seriously considering sucking his cock up until I saw how weak his shit was and then I just wanted to get the hell away from all of them cause I didn't want the lameness to rub off on me.

DAMN!!!!! If you guys want to really run a game on me...................send Sardy or Coyote Ugly out. Both of them would stop me dead in my tracks.
Here is an example of the intelligence level I am dealing with. This dumb missmanners is a goddess!missmanners is a goddess!missmanners is a goddess!missmanners is a goddess! gave me a migraine headache, I kept trying to call her out, I posted it right here on this board and what does she do???? pulls in Jack and his bong to pull the ultimate game.

*WoW*........perhaps you people should get a clue or something.