Troll Kingdom

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My personal info

Next time I'm single and bored and have some extra cash and time I'll show up with some TNG and liquor. I'll bring The Best of Both Worlds Part 1, Datalore, uummm, Hide & Q, Rascals, and some other ones I can't think of right now because I'm still a little drunk from last night.
I live at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW, Washington, District of Colombia, 20500

My telephone # is 202-456-1111

I can be contacted at any time.

I have a summer home in London. The address there is:

10 Downing Street, London, SW 1A 2AA

There is no phone there, as it is only a vacation home.

Thirdly, I have a Villa in Italy.

Piazza Colonna 370, 00186 Roma, Italia

The phone # there is +39 06 67 791
It's surprising how some people are simultaneously pissing their pants about personal info (Like GTC.)

What are you faggots going to do? Send me letters, call me?

Fucking chumps, I bet half of the males who have registered here have never been in a fistfight in their lives.

What a hub of Internet debauchery, one made to make the owner and all her admin buddies feel like Internet BUDS among us!

Yay, you are cool, and oh-so very young!
coral atoll 9,812, South Pacific. November is best time for digging in the sand. No phones, no pools save for the ocean, no pets save for the whales.