Troll Kingdom

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My Queen, Now and Forever

Blessed Be, Nibbles. May the Goddess stand between you and harm in all the empty places you must walk.
^ yes she did.

Nibbles said:
I've got a thread in QSF at the moment about what constitutes a troll/baiter and the damned thing has almost 400 fucking views and 15 responses. I was told that it's possible that I've confused them with big words and complicated scenarios. I'm just wondering if I should open up Photoshop and rewrite it in crayon so that they might understand what I'm saying.

I was lying in bed on Thursday night, I'd just said a prayer for Nibbles and friends and finally something that had been taunting me became clear. For days I'd been trying to figure out what Nibbles' avatar was, all I could picture was leopard skin and then at last it came to me, it was a character from Daria dressed as a cave woman...Nibbles was the coolest.