My tone comes off as harsh


Factional Warfare
Both in my voice (which I knew about, thanks dad) and apparently in my writings as well. (which I guess I didn't really know about, thanks again dad, asshole.)

Now I told you this story to ask a question, here's the question: How often have you run into someone in your day to day that comes off really harshly and like a complete asshole, and then when you look back and ponder you realize they didn't mean to use the asshole card at all?

Our Lady of the Badlands is immune from this question since I know her job and the frame of mind lots of the people she has to deal with are in. But for you others, seriously think back for a second and see if you can figure out how many people you marked off as assholes might not have been anything other than overly serious in their mannerisms.

Discuss, please and thank you.


This is far too deep for TK. Sorry, luv, I only do froth & pith in The Badlands. All I've got for you is this pic of a cat on a bike.



moral imperfection
This is far too deep for TK. Sorry, luv, I only do froth & pith in The Badlands. All I've got for you is this pic of a cat on a bike.


OK so this is really cool: I was just about to answer Gagh that obviously he doesn't even have that due to the fact that I got a 'this account is inactive' icon, when I noticed that contrary to what I have seen in the original thread, the picture was displayed just fine in the reply box. WTF? (It's a really awesome pic, btw)

Ssgt. Sniper - I've met quite a lot of people like that, and it helps that I've trained myself to
a) always believe people mean well until they prove me wrong
b) directly ask them if they deliberately act/talk like assholes and
c) do it in such an antagonistic, pissed-off way that even if they did try to be assholes in the first place, they usually think twice to continue. Yes, I can be quite a bitch if I want to ;)


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
Fuck all of you in the neck, deeply and repeatedly.

I mean that in the nicest way.


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
I'll smack that frown right off your fucking face, BITCH


moral imperfection
Oh yes, please come and try, I so am waiting to see if I still manage to get a guy flat on his face in under 1 second...


Factional Warfare
Oh yes, please come and try, I so am waiting to see if I still manage to get a guy flat on his face in under 1 second...

With Jack that'd be easy. Just tape a naked picture of you to the floor.

With his aging eyes he'd be humping your floor for a few minutes before he caught on.


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
if you glued some hair to the floor around a crack in the floorboards, I probably wouldn't even know the difference.


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
Oh yes, please come and try, I so am waiting to see if I still manage to get a guy flat on his face in under 1 second...

I just came.


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
All over your face :bigass: