Gagh Χριστόφορος Mar 26, 2006 #1 There I was, casually sweeping some dark nooks & crannies, and suddenly *kaboomy*, the bloody thing has been turned into a banana! I should have known better than to kidknap David Copperfield and keep him bound & gagged in the cellar.
There I was, casually sweeping some dark nooks & crannies, and suddenly *kaboomy*, the bloody thing has been turned into a banana! I should have known better than to kidknap David Copperfield and keep him bound & gagged in the cellar.
Kerb Crawler Closed Fist of the Badlands Mar 27, 2006 #4 Rape. Ass rape and pineapple hate and jumpin' jiggabooze.1
Kerb Crawler Closed Fist of the Badlands Mar 27, 2006 #7 Banana hammocks and leopard-print bombadiers.