Big Dick McGee
If you don't know, now ya know
I picked up the game of golf again last season, after a 5-year layoff. I just didn't have enough frustration in my life. The only friend I have who is a golfer is a co-worker of mine, but he can't often play. It sucks going to the course as a single, hoping to get on with another single or twosome or threesome. But that's the only way I can play the nicer courses.
I heard about a site called Basically, you input your info, and people contact you or you contact them to set up a round. Sounds really cool, and it was cool when a guy contacted me about playing. I set everything up and met the guy and his buddy on a Saturday. The results were pretty comical.
Let me say that I would NEVER talk smack about a fellow golfer, but these guys were unbelievable. Hey, I'm like one, maybe two steps above a hacker, and I don't mind playing with a hacker, as long as he can keep up.
It became obvious to me after two holes that these guys had no concept of proper golf etiquette; they were giving each other tips while I was about to hit, walking through my line on the green, etc. Very annoying. They also didn't understand playing "ready golf". They were goofing around, sometimes it'd be 2 minutes after I hit before one of them would be ready, fumbling for balls, tees, changing clubs. The one guy would take like 10 practice swings and he'd sole and lift the club at least five times while doing what looked like a dance. Up, down, up down, up down. He looked like he was trying to kill a snake.
The worst part is, when I'd bring something up they'd get all annoyed and mumble about "paying my money to play". The ranger came up to us twice and warned them about pace of play.
The last straw was on hole #13. As usual, I drove up to the next tee to write down my score, and it took them a couple of minutes to catch up because they sat next to the green, writing their score down. That's a big non-no, you're supposed to score on the next tee, so the players behind you can hit. The one guy comes up to me, as I'm ready to tee off, and he's like, "Look, gotta slow down. You're jumping in front of us, getting in the way, taking your shot first. You're putting out before we're on the green. You're messing up our game and we can't enjoy our round." Once again, I tried to explain to him, politely, that you have to play ready golf, that the ranger was concerned because there was now a full hole-and-half in front of us, and a backup behind us. The response, "I paid my money, fuck the ranger, stop getting in front of me!!" He was actually getting pissed! I took my ball and tee, politely said, "See ya guys" and drove up to #14. The only good thing is, I birdied #18 to shoot a 93.
I made sure to let the pro shop know that this was the FIRST and LAST time I was playing with these guys, and I apologized for them slowing things down. I don't want my name red-flagged as a slow player, I really like that course.
Like I said, I normally wouldn't talk about another golfer behind his back, but these guys were boorish. Needless to say, I'll be taking via email with the next person I pick from the site, to make sure they're actually concerned with playing golf, not goofing around for 5 hours.
I heard about a site called Basically, you input your info, and people contact you or you contact them to set up a round. Sounds really cool, and it was cool when a guy contacted me about playing. I set everything up and met the guy and his buddy on a Saturday. The results were pretty comical.
Let me say that I would NEVER talk smack about a fellow golfer, but these guys were unbelievable. Hey, I'm like one, maybe two steps above a hacker, and I don't mind playing with a hacker, as long as he can keep up.
It became obvious to me after two holes that these guys had no concept of proper golf etiquette; they were giving each other tips while I was about to hit, walking through my line on the green, etc. Very annoying. They also didn't understand playing "ready golf". They were goofing around, sometimes it'd be 2 minutes after I hit before one of them would be ready, fumbling for balls, tees, changing clubs. The one guy would take like 10 practice swings and he'd sole and lift the club at least five times while doing what looked like a dance. Up, down, up down, up down. He looked like he was trying to kill a snake.
The worst part is, when I'd bring something up they'd get all annoyed and mumble about "paying my money to play". The ranger came up to us twice and warned them about pace of play.
The last straw was on hole #13. As usual, I drove up to the next tee to write down my score, and it took them a couple of minutes to catch up because they sat next to the green, writing their score down. That's a big non-no, you're supposed to score on the next tee, so the players behind you can hit. The one guy comes up to me, as I'm ready to tee off, and he's like, "Look, gotta slow down. You're jumping in front of us, getting in the way, taking your shot first. You're putting out before we're on the green. You're messing up our game and we can't enjoy our round." Once again, I tried to explain to him, politely, that you have to play ready golf, that the ranger was concerned because there was now a full hole-and-half in front of us, and a backup behind us. The response, "I paid my money, fuck the ranger, stop getting in front of me!!" He was actually getting pissed! I took my ball and tee, politely said, "See ya guys" and drove up to #14. The only good thing is, I birdied #18 to shoot a 93.
I made sure to let the pro shop know that this was the FIRST and LAST time I was playing with these guys, and I apologized for them slowing things down. I don't want my name red-flagged as a slow player, I really like that course.
Like I said, I normally wouldn't talk about another golfer behind his back, but these guys were boorish. Needless to say, I'll be taking via email with the next person I pick from the site, to make sure they're actually concerned with playing golf, not goofing around for 5 hours.