Troll Kingdom

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Name Change


beer, I want beer
As I OWN this particular part of TK, I demand the name be changed from DC to SAINT LUCIFER'S HELL. Surely there are many in here who would like to see me have my own place yes? Take your complaints to the Admins and demand the name change! Create petition in my name! You should have no problems getting the required signatures. Simply tell people who I am and they will jump at the chance to be linked to the great SAINT LUCIFER!!
SaintLucifer said:
As I OWN this particular part of TK, I demand the name be changed from DC to SAINT LUCIFER'S HELL. Surely there are many in here who would like to see me have my own place yes? Take your complaints to the Admins and demand the name change! Create petition in my name! You should have no problems getting the required signatures. Simply tell people who I am and they will jump at the chance to be linked to the great SAINT LUCIFER!!

Messenger said:
Heh. I told you you'd be begging to be let back in.

'Let back in'? I was never gone you MORON. Get it right. I have been here all this time as you can see from my posts. Fuck you are stupid. The evidence is right before your very eyes. Don't you have some sheep to sexually molest? I am perfectly content here. Waiiiitttt. So THAT's what is pissing you off!! Uh huhhh. You see me in here relaxing as if this was my very own place and it just kills you. You mean you WISH I was 'begging to be let back in'. It really sucks to be you doesn't it? Even a BANNED person PWns you. *points at you and laughs*. You do realise you become more and more my BITCH yes? You always were a joke but now you are my bitch and you know it. Damn but your life truly sucks. Oh wait. Have you found a job yet? Shit. Just apply at McDonald's for Christ's sake. Don't worry about your stupidity. They can teach you how to press the fryer button. 'Tis alright. Those have timers on them. They shut off by themselves. You need only grab the fries and place them into a container. Surely you are capable of this yes?

Fear not. I expect to meet you in person one day. You will be the fucker sitting next to a dumpster hidden in a dark alleyway. In your hands will be a cardboard sign that will read 'SaintLucifer's Bitch. Can you spare a dime? I have no job. SaintLucifer is laughing at me about this'. *points at you and ROTFLMAO*
RuReddy said:

Listen up bitch. I have known you want me since the very first day you responded to my post. Get over it. The answer remains 'no'! So scram. Beat it! Vamoose! Amscray!!
SaintLucifer said:
'Let back in'? I was never gone you MORON. Get it right. I have been here all this time as you can see from my posts. Fuck you are stupid. The evidence is right before your very eyes. Don't you have some sheep to sexually molest? I am perfectly content here. Waiiiitttt. So THAT's what is pissing you off!! Uh huhhh. You see me in here relaxing as if this was my very own place and it just kills you. You mean you WISH I was 'begging to be let back in'. It really sucks to be you doesn't it? Even a BANNED person PWns you. *points at you and laughs*. You do realise you become more and more my BITCH yes? You always were a joke but now you are my bitch and you know it. Damn but your life truly sucks. Oh wait. Have you found a job yet? Shit. Just apply at McDonald's for Christ's sake. Don't worry about your stupidity. They can teach you how to press the fryer button. 'Tis alright. Those have timers on them. They shut off by themselves. You need only grab the fries and place them into a container. Surely you are capable of this yes?

Fear not. I expect to meet you in person one day. You will be the fucker sitting next to a dumpster hidden in a dark alleyway. In your hands will be a cardboard sign that will read 'SaintLucifer's Bitch. Can you spare a dime? I have no job. SaintLucifer is laughing at me about this'. *points at you and ROTFLMAO*