Natural Beauty


Axe Wielding Maniac
On my way home today the skies opened up. The sadistic weather man had been predicting thunder showers for the past three days and today was the first day we've gotten even a sprinkle. Today, beautiful blue skies splotched with those giant "I'm going to get you" dark clouds. And the little cloud bursts of rain caused a giant double rainbow. The bottom one looked like a trillion watt light bulb was lit up behind it and the top one looked like the rainbow version of comfy old fuzzy slippers. It was gorgeous and everyone on the bus moved to one side so they could get a better look.

What is natural beauty to you? What's the most beautiful thing you've seen in nature?


RIP 1970~2018
On my way home today the skies opened up. The sadistic weather man had been predicting thunder showers for the past three days and today was the first day we've gotten even a sprinkle. Today, beautiful blue skies splotched with those giant "I'm going to get you" dark clouds. And the little cloud bursts of rain caused a giant double rainbow. The bottom one looked like a trillion watt light bulb was lit up behind it and the top one looked like the rainbow version of comfy old fuzzy slippers. It was gorgeous and everyone on the bus moved to one side so they could get a better look.

What is natural beauty to you? What's the most beautiful thing you've seen in nature?

I haven't been to this place yet. But I'm going one way or the other. If you go far enough out onto the lake bed, the horizon is flat 360 degrees.


Be patient till the last.
hmmm; difficult; seen so many beautiful things in nature I'm hard-pressed to come up with a "the most" title...

....watched a fair-sized herd of "feral" (to use the words of the farmer who actually owned the land) horses running freely together this summer - that was wondrously beautiful.
I was pleased at his indulgence of them on his land - he simply left them alone.
mind you, that's a luxury to have large enough spaces to leave room for horses to

The Call Of Nature

Saint (what else!)
the most beautiful thing I've seen so far is the ocean.
I grew up and live in a mountaneous area, so the first time ever I saw the sea was when I was 40 LOL. It was totally awesome!

Biiiiig hug to my tourist guide Daystrom who also provided the most radiant sunset to make that evening simply perfect.

The Call Of Nature

Saint (what else!)
It's Venice Beach in Los Angeles. About 150 yards south of Muscle Beach I'd estimate, at the backside of the parking lot at N Venice Blvd/Ocean Front Walk.


beer, I want beer
On my way home today the skies opened up. The sadistic weather man had been predicting thunder showers for the past three days and today was the first day we've gotten even a sprinkle. Today, beautiful blue skies splotched with those giant "I'm going to get you" dark clouds. And the little cloud bursts of rain caused a giant double rainbow. The bottom one looked like a trillion watt light bulb was lit up behind it and the top one looked like the rainbow version of comfy old fuzzy slippers. It was gorgeous and everyone on the bus moved to one side so they could get a better look.

What is natural beauty to you? What's the most beautiful thing you've seen in nature?

Fuck, you are a homo. People like you should be strung up and lanced.


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
Hey Cinch, I relate to this thread. About six miles from my house you get here, after a shirt, strenuous hike...



Elder Statesman
I've often been stopped dead in my tracks by natural beauty.

However, this has happened most often in the Redwood Forests near where I live now. Particularly as the mist burns off in the mornings.

An example: