Nazi Party throws Party in Thiland


Unluckiest Charm in the Box
See what you've done Lucy? :hmmm:

CNN) -- A Jewish human rights organization on Monday called for Thailand's Christian leaders to condemn a parade at the Sacred Heart School in Chiang Mai, Thailand, in which participating students wearing Nazi uniforms performed "Sieg Heil" salutes.

The Simon Wiesenthal Center, a Jewish human rights organization based in Los Angeles, denounced the event, saying it was "glorifying Nazis."

Photographs of the parade show participants carrying a Swastika flag, performing Nazi salutes and wearing SS uniforms, while others dressed as Adolf Hitler complete with toothbrush moustache.

Rabbi Abraham Cooper, associate dean of the Simon Wiesenthal Center, said the images made it clear that the event could not have taken place without the knowledge and cooperation of the school administration.

It is difficult to calculate the hurt such a display inflicted on survivors of the Nazi Holocaust .

Simon Wiesenthal Center"It is difficult to calculate the hurt such a display inflicted on survivors of the Nazi Holocaust and the families of all victims of Nazism. There can be no justification for such an outrage to emanate from place of learning," he said.

The Simon Wiesenthal Center urged those responsible for the school to take immediate action against the individuals who promoted and facilitated the event.

Cooper said that a similar parade took place in 2007 at a school in Bangkok in which 200 students participated, and that more recently, members of Thai rock band Slur donned Nazi uniforms in a music video.

On Wednesday, the school's website posted a letter by its director expressing an apology.

"We, the entire Sacred Heart School [personnel] are deeply saddened by this incident."

The letter explained that the sports day activity involved groups being differentiated by colors -- the "Red" group having used Nazi symbols.

link: Thai school's Nazi-themed parade sparks outrage -


Unluckiest Charm in the Box
What a lot of people fail to understand about all of this, is that the actual swastika is a Asian symbol thats been around for more than a millenium. It's true origin symbolizes peace and unity. It wasn't until the last century that Hitler came along and decided to use it it symbolize his Nazi Regime, and thats where things get all fouled up.

A lot of the younger asians of today tend to know very little about the war that took place in europe during WWII. The only parts of the war that their history book place focus on is the asian pacific part of the war (the parts that their grandparents fought in). When someone mentions the word Holaucaust to them, the first things that hit their mind is places like Nanking, Shanghi, and all the places that got hediously bombed by Imperial Japan. When anyone mentions anything like Dacau, Krakow, Autswitz (check spelling), or any of the horrors that took place in europe, they will all stand there looking at you with a "deer caught in the headlights look" like they have absolutely no idea what the hell you are talking about.

We here in the west look at the swastika and automatically associate it with both Hitlers Nazi regime and the Holaucaust. The asians look at it as being a stolen part of their culture thats been around for over 1000 years or more.

One symbol, with two entirely different meanings, depending on what part of the world your are from!


RIP 1970~2018
No Starguard, nobody fails to realize that anymore and that's not the symbols original meaning.

How come you don't have google?

BTW I was joking about SWC. I have google.


Holy Roman Emperor
The swastika has been used all over the world since ancient times. I've seen it on Bronze Age European tools, Buddhist statues, and on Native American designs. It wasn't until Hitler used it for his own purposes that the symbol came to be maligned. The Nazis, as a friend of mine who's a history nut once said, "put that symbol to shame".


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
What a lot of people fail to understand about all of this, is that the actual swastika is a Asian symbol thats been around for more than a millenium. It's true origin symbolizes peace and unity. It wasn't until the last century that Hitler came along and decided to use it it symbolize his Nazi Regime, and thats where things get all fouled up.

A lot of the younger asians of today tend to know very little about the war that took place in europe during WWII. The only parts of the war that their history book place focus on is the asian pacific part of the war (the parts that their grandparents fought in). When someone mentions the word Holaucaust to them, the first things that hit their mind is places like Nanking, Shanghi, and all the places that got hediously bombed by Imperial Japan. When anyone mentions anything like Dacau, Krakow, Autswitz (check spelling), or any of the horrors that took place in europe, they will all stand there looking at you with a "deer caught in the headlights look" like they have absolutely no idea what the hell you are talking about.

We here in the west look at the swastika and automatically associate it with both Hitlers Nazi regime and the Holaucaust. The asians look at it as being a stolen part of their culture thats been around for over 1000 years or more.

One symbol, with two entirely different meanings, depending on what part of the world your are from!

I think you're deliberately misspelling the concentration camp names, and you're wrong about the swastika, co-opted or otherwise. Care to back up your statements?

This thread is worse than worthless, btw. And DON'T fucking lecture me about it being "on-topic". Borders on ignorant racism.


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
Y'know I always thought it was the Semites that were the worst offenders. Fucking kikes eat their own. But these slants make Jews look almost pious by comparison.

Certainly explains a fuckload about you Starguard.


Unluckiest Charm in the Box
When Hitler formed his Nazi Regime, much if it was based on intensive study of Asian Culture (mainly Japanese). Hiter took the Swastika from them, tilted it on its side and used it to represent his own political party. When he and his subling counterparts decided to form his SS units, they themselves were modeled after the Japanese samaurai. Check this book out and see for youselves :eek:



The Legendary Troll Kingdom
The swastika is a historical sacred symbol in Indian religions. It first appears in the archaeological record here around 2500 BC in the Indus Valley Civilization. It rose to importance in Buddhism during the Mauryan Empire and in Hinduism with the decline of Buddhism in India during the Gupta Empire. With the spread of Buddhism, the Buddhist swastika reached Tibet and China. The symbol was also introduced to Balinese Hinduism by Hindu kings. The use of the swastika by the Bön faith of Tibet, as well as later syncretic religions, such as Cao Dai of Vietnam and Falun Gong of China, can also be traced to Buddhist influence.


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
Buddhism originated in the 5th century BCE and spread throughout the Indian subcontinent in the 3rd century BCE (Maurya Empire).

The swastika symbol (right-hand) is alleged to have been stamped on Gautama Buddha's chest by his initiates after his death. It is known as The Heart's Seal. The swastika figures on the Pillars of Ashoka.

With the Silk Road transmission of Buddhism, the Buddhist swastika spread to Tibet and China.

Known as a "yung drung" in ancient Tibet, it was a graphical representation of eternity.

The paired swastika symbols are included, at least since the Liao Dynasty, as part of the Chinese language, the symbolic sign for the character 萬 or 万 (wàn in Mandarin, man in Korean, Cantonese and Japanese, vạn in Vietnamese) meaning "all" or "eternality" (lit. myriad) and as 卍, which is seldom used. The swastika marks the beginning of many Buddhist scriptures. The swastika (in either orientation) appears on the chest of some statues of Gautama Buddha and is often incised on the soles of the feet of the Buddha in statuary.


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
The swastika is one of the 108 symbols of Hindu deity Vishnu and represents the Sun's rays, upon which life depends. Its use as a Sun symbol can first be seen in its representation of the god Surya. The swastika is used in all Hindu yantras and religious designs.

Swastika is also considered as a symbolic representation of Ganesha, in Hinduism. Ganesha as per Hindu rites is offered first offerings and as such in every pooja, at first Swastika is made with Sindoor during any religious rites of Hindu.

Among the Hindus of Bengal, it is common to see the name "swastika" (Bengali: স্বস্তিক shostik) applied to a slightly different symbol, which has the same significance as the common swastika, and both symbols are used as auspicious signs. This symbol looks something like a stick figure of a human being.[24]


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
Jainism gives even more prominence to the swastika than does Hinduism. It is a symbol of the seventh Tirthankara, Suparshva. In the Svetambara tradition, it is also one of the symbols of the ashtamangala. It is considered to be one of the 24 auspicious marks and the emblem of the seventh arihant of the present age. All derasars and holy books must contain the swastika and ceremonies typically begin and end with creating a swastika mark several times with rice around the altar.

Jains use rice to make a swastika in front of statues in a temple. Jains then put an offering on this swastika, usually a ripe or dried fruit, a sweet (Hindi: मिठाई, Miṭhāī), or a coin or currency note.


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
Yknow starguard, your disingenuosity is showing.


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
it's Indian, not Chinese, now stfu and go away.

The use of the swastika was associated by Nazi theorists with their conjecture of Aryan cultural descent of the German people. Following the Nordicist version of the Aryan invasion theory, the Nazis claimed that the early Aryans of India, from whose Vedic tradition the swastika sprang, were the prototypical white invaders. The concept of racial purity was an ideology central to Nazism, though it is now considered unscientific. For Alfred Rosenberg, the Aryans of India were both a model to be imitated and a warning of the dangers of the spiritual and racial "confusion" that, he believed, arose from the close proximity of races. Thus, they saw fit to co-opt the sign as a symbol of the Aryan master race. The use of the swastika as a symbol of the Aryan race dates back to writings of Emile Burnouf. Following many other writers, the German nationalist poet Guido von List believed it to be a uniquely Aryan symbol. Before the Nazis, the swastika was already in use as a symbol of German völkisch nationalist movements (Völkische Bewegung). In Deutschland Erwache (ISBN 0-912138-69-6), Ulric of England (sic) says:

[...] what inspired Hitler to use the swastika as a symbol for the NSDAP was its use by the Thule Society (German: Thule-Gesellschaft) since there were many connections between them and the DAP ... from 1919 until the summer of 1921 Hitler used the special Nationalsozialistische library of Dr. Friedrich Krohn, a very active member of the Thule-Gesellschaft ... Dr. Krohn was also the dentist from Sternberg who was named by Hitler in Mein Kampf as the designer of a flag very similar to one that Hitler designed in 1920 ... during the summer of 1920, the first party flag was shown at Lake Tegernsee ... these home-made ... early flags were not preserved, the Ortsgruppe München (Munich Local Group) flag was generally regarded as the first flag of the Party.


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
Would someone please move this bullshit to Armchair Philosophers?

It has no biznitz here.


RIP 1970~2018
For Jacks birthday lets all pitch in and get him a first edition copy of Guido von List's poetry wrapped in an original handmade Nazi flag.

I'll spring for the Swastika tattoos for the bottoms of his feet.


Unluckiest Charm in the Box
It is true that the swastika has made its presence know all over the world ( far before Hitler). Even the Native Americans (both North and South) used it.. although I cannot remember exactly which individual tribes used it or the timeframes involved.

I will also state that even though the Thialanese apparently have very little knowledge or realization of what they are doing by holding this parade, it was held in bad taste with little regard to what the swastika is seen to represent in the eyes of the western hemisphere!


Unluckiest Charm in the Box
This forces me to raise a question! If they (the Thialanese) were holding a parade wearing U.S. Calvary uniforms instead, would this be seen through the eyes of the world as an insensitive insult to the Native Americans and the holocaust they suffered?