Nazi Records to be open to researchers


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
Millions of Nazi files that describe in dull, monochromatic matter-of-factness the actual mechanics of torture and mass murder will be opened to the public and reserachers following an agreement Tuesday by the 11-nation International Commission, which has kept the archive locked since WWII. Once ratified, the agreement will give access for the first time to 50 million files sheltered in a vast archive in the German town of Bad Arolsen, including the registration of concentration camp inmates by the numbers burned on their arms, stacks of crumpled identity booklets, and millions of punch cards, which meticulously kept records of location and execution of close to 4,000,000 prisoners.
Of course, this is going to result in one of two things -- and it all depends on the actual content of what's released:

It's either going to put an end to holocaust denial... or it's going to give it an entirely new heaping pile of ammunition.
They won't be anything but condemning. They might be real and get Revisionists to STFU, or they might be flimsy and be debated for 60 more years. Expect no other outcome.