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Neil's a father


addle barn
Sorry for stealing your thunder Neil, but I had to share your good news :D

Congratulations to Neil and his wife on the birth of their beautiful baby boy.

Mother and baby are doing well and Neil's holding up pretty well too ;)
Awww, well congratulations to him. :bigass: He an I have a love hate thing but a baby is always a celebration!!!
He told me before the baby was born that if it's a boy, the name would be Nathan. :D


(see, I picked out the perfect colors after all!!! :D)
I am happy for Neil and his family. This is great news. They grow up so fast it is scary. Before long they want cash and the car keys.
but you can still say that.......cause you never know....he might turn gay......what?

Oh and Congrats Neil. I'm glad that everything went thru well. Now where are my Pictures dammit!!! :bigass:
Way to keep the gene pool muddied, Neil!:cosmic: I'll just light up a peace pipe in honor of the big baby and his son (kidding!)

Hope you didn't make too many promises to your wife during the labor process. Even with all the pain and drugs, they remember THAT stuff...
That's great news Neil! Congratultions

Her's a pic of my newly born. maybe we can carpool together:P
