New Laptop


RIP Karl 1991-2014
I just went to Best Buy and impulse bought an HP 1030 Netbook. I wanted the slightly more expensive model with 60 GBs of memory, but they didn't have any so I got stuck with the 1030 with 16 GBs of solid state.


what OS are you runnin'? how's performance? 16GB, that's not a lot, what is the machine's porpoise? will it blend?


RIP Karl 1991-2014
It's running XP, so far everything's been fine. It's just for taking notes, writing, and browsing the internet.

Blend went over my head.


beer, I want beer
what OS are you runnin'? how's performance? 16GB, that's not a lot, what is the machine's porpoise? will it blend?

It's solid-state, you moron. NO moving parts. That shit is expensive, so fuck off. That thing will still be running when you have tossed yours into the garbage.


That was a stretch, even for you, fake Lucy.