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No More War!!!


Zombie Hunter
Apparently now it will be "Overseas Contingency Operation". :hmm:
Obama Scraps 'Global War on Terror' for 'Overseas Contingency Operation'
Obama has reportedly ordered an end to use of the phrase "Global War on Terror," a label adopted by the Bush administration shortly after the September 11 attacks.
Wednesday, March 25, 2009

The Obama administration has ordered an end to use of the phrase "Global War on Terror," a label adopted by the Bush administration shortly after the September 11, 2001 attacks, the Washington Post reported on Tuesday.

In a memo sent this week from the Defense Department's office of security to Pentagon staffers, members were told, "this administration prefers to avoid using the term 'Long War' or 'Global War on Terror' [GWOT.] Please use 'Overseas Contingency Operation.'"...
So acts of terrorism are now "man-caused catastrophes" and fighting these "man-caused catastrophes" is now a "global contingency operation".

Now that I've finished "Atlas Shrugged" so I understand the plan for economic recovery, I gotta read "1984" so I'm on top of the Doublespeak. :S:

You can't wage war against a noun.
O RLY? If you were to categorize words, what would you call "Germany"? "Japan"? "North Korea"? (pretty much anyone we've ever declared war on for that matter) Is "Germany" a verb? No? Is it an adjective? I know! "Germany" is a conjunction! What? It isn't? :smfundecided: Huh. "Germany" (and all the others) couldn't be a noun, could it?

You're an idiot. Go choke yourself. Because now you're just stringing words together and hoping everyone else is stupider than Lt. Mewa. :hifu:
Pedantically-speaking 14th is right.

As for the "Doublespeak", it's actually called "newspeak" in '84.

Let's all welcome the bullet together.
Double plus Good!

War isn't horrible enough any more for the average American. Soon it will be an "X-Box experience" with remote controlled drones covering remote control robots (or autonomous ones after we scrap even the pretense of following the Geneva Convention). War will be a side-show to some starlet going without panties at a club opening or some deranged chick having a litter of 10 kids or something. A slow news day. Oh yeah, a drone nailed some terrorist (and 30 other people) via remote.

Bring back the sense of horror.

I've been studying a lot of the art of the 1920's....THAT is a generation that reflected upon the horror of war. And yet, that generation also participated in large part in WWII. (sigh)

War just may be part of the human condition. Almost every religion has war as part of it's mythos. Gods war, the losers are cast down, and humans do no less. We are just making it less messy.

The language masks something else. It masks that America doesn't know what an Enemy is anymore. An enemy is to be eliminated. Not understood, not coddled, not met with a "limited response". You kill them. All of them. Because they placed their civilians and families in harms way when they attack you, because THEY think it's worth it in order to strike at someone or something they hate. We (as Americans) don't understand that anymore.

The men who flew the B-29's that dropped incendiary bombs on Tokyo are gone. The bombardiers who pressed the button on Dresden are gone. And the Generals who ordered it done are gone. Heaven help us.
