No ordinary family


beer, I want beer
Or whatever the hell they call it. Premieres tonight. I'm watching because I have always liked Michael Chiklis and I'm a big fuckin comic geek. Anybody else?

Big Dick McGee

If you don't know, now ya know
Yes, because Chiklis KICKED ASS as Vic Mackay, and because Julie Benz looks hotter than she did in Dexter. Not quite "Darla" hot, but close.


beer, I want beer
Well, it has promise. Unfortunately it also has equal potential to turn into "heroes redux". I like Chiklis, I like the mom, but the writing...oy. I think somebody's superpower is tv drama cliche. Harried supermom highpowered exec gets superspeed, big burly former jock dad gets hulklike powers without the green and the rage and the grrrr, emo but virginal :rolleyes: daughter gets mindreading just in time to sniff out two-timing boyfriend, and underacheiver slacker son gets, ummm, not-retarded power. Seriously, his power is he can do math now.

Add to that handy sidekicks with science knowledge access to tons of electronic equipment, and quirky personalities for comedy relief. Finally, and apparently for no reason other than random fate, the dad's first attempt at crimefighting is a bankrobber who is revealed to have powers of his own, and who is backed by a supersecret cadre of glowering mysterious government types who set out to erase any evidence of the robber guy's existence so that means they'll be chasing superfamily.

Come to think of it, the pilot did suck pretty bad. The writing was awful, the plot was contrived and forced, and there was this mishmash of elements that made little or no sense. Why the fuck does a teleporting bank robber wear a mask and carry a gun when he can fucking teleport through walls? Why does a family reveal supernatural amazing powers to pretty much everyone they meet including a DA, a bubblehead lab assistant, a therapist, a bank robber, etc and nobody so much as says, "Holy shit."

Yep, I take it back. This show's gonna die fast.

This is gonna tank, I think.

Big Dick McGee

If you don't know, now ya know
LOL, I'll watch it tonight and let ya know what I think. Too often the networks get "super-heroes" totally wrong.


Elitist Redheaded Trollop
Plus, can the father from Seventh Heaven be a bad guy??

Big Dick McGee

If you don't know, now ya know
Well, I liked it, mostly because the leads are so appealing. Srsly, I will watch Michael Chiklis and/or Julie Benz in anything.

I though Autumn Reeser as the geeky lab assistant was funny as shit, when she started asking all the nit-picky questions a fanboy would ask ("Why don't your clothes burn up? How can your retinas withstand the pressure of running so fast? Are you putting out a low-level force-field", LOL).

We don't know the bank robber could teleport through solid objects like the vault, he was only shown doing small 'ports.

Anyway, I'll keep watching, mostly for Chiklis and Benz.


beer, I want beer
Well, I liked it, mostly because the leads are so appealing. Srsly, I will watch Michael Chiklis and/or Julie Benz in anything.

I though Autumn Reeser as the geeky lab assistant was funny as shit, when she started asking all the nit-picky questions a fanboy would ask ("Why don't your clothes burn up? How can your retinas withstand the pressure of running so fast? Are you putting out a low-level force-field", LOL).

We don't know the bank robber could teleport through solid objects like the vault, he was only shown doing small 'ports.

Anyway, I'll keep watching, mostly for Chiklis and Benz.

Yeah, I'll give it a few more views based on those two actors alone; I'm just very leery and the writing was extremely weak. This has the potential to go someplace good (the special effects weren't bad) or someplace catastrophic.

But no matter how good the actors are, the writing has to imporove in a hurry or it's done.