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Nog went from an illeterate, petty thief to a Starfleet Lieutenant...

He probably fared better on Voyager than he would have on another Starfleet ship that wasn't stranded in Nowhereland. He couldn't make Lieutenant when his biggest competition was a pair of Borg tits, the loser crew from Good Shepherd, and some children. If he were on another ship, the competition would have swallowed him up, and he would have ended up their Neelix bitch, laser-peeling potatoes in the galley.
Imagine a ship with Geordie and Harry Kim on it. It would have auto-shields to repel the chicks.
It's kinda sad that Harry could not go beyond ensign, but Paris who was an ex con could be promoted to Lt, demoted to ensign then promoted back to Lt.
Part of Harry Kim's loser plight was retribution from the producers because Garrett Wang never showed up to work on time. ;)

Although it boggles my mind that, even though Beltran was a complete bastard, they never killed off Chakotay, and instead rewarded him with a God-cursed, unnatural romance with Seven toward the end... *shudder*
I pitty the fool who doesn't show up to work on time.

Explain more on the whole Beltran being a bastard thing please.
Why would we want to submit ourselves to more voyager, wasnt seven years enough, you get less than that for murder!
It's kinda sad that Harry could not go beyond ensign, but Paris who was an ex con could be promoted to Lt, demoted to ensign then promoted back to Lt.

Plus he had to be the sidekick in the holodeck. THE SIDE KICK! If I was Harry Kim I would have blasted Paris' decapitated body out of a damn airlock.
Not a fan-friendly Trek actor. Also he had no problem telling the press what a crap job he had whenever he felt like it. This way, he could claim that his shit acting was because he wasn't trying. Sort of like when a cat runs into a glass door, and then notices people saw him, and gives a look like "I meant to do that"...