"not a true image"

Archibald Nixon

anti-life coach

Happens occasionally & arbitrarily with .png and .gif files. At first I thought picture size was a factor but that doesn't appear to be the case.

So what is it that makes an image "untrue"?


Retired Account
ive had this before with .png files, i was perplexed, i smoked a joint, i forgot it happened.

Eggs Mayonnaise

All In With The Nuts
Are you uploading from a saved file, or from a URL? Sometime a URL upload won't recognize the file.

If it's a saved image, I haven't seen that particular error before. Try opening the file in a paint/image program and check its properties. Also, if the file size is ridiculously low, like 1KB, it may not have saved properly from wherever you got it.

Archibald Nixon

anti-life coach
Are you uploading from a saved file, or from a URL? Sometime a URL upload won't recognize the file.

If it's a saved image, I haven't seen that particular error before. Try opening the file in a paint/image program and check its properties. Also, if the file size is ridiculously low, like 1KB, it may not have saved properly from wherever you got it.
I almost never save from a URL; this happens with saved files. I've occasionally gone and saved it in a different format (.png to .jpg, for instance), but obviously that won't work for, say, an animated .gif. And it tends to happen with the larger files, but it can be arbitrary --often, on multi-file uploads, files bigger than the one deemed 'untrue' will go through without any problem.

Archibald Nixon

anti-life coach
Bump..."not a true image" still happening occasionally @ picturehoster.info.

Also, ^previous post should read "I almost never upload from a URL."