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Dual's learned his lesson and will probably ease up now, and maybe go outside tonight instead of posting!
Welp at least you can party hard on Friday. I've only got class til 3:30 and then it's off to work.
Wow that was sort of a good comeback. Not like your usual pisspoor replies. Big Sexy'd be impressed if he wasn't disgusted by your fetish for cats.
ey yo mang we dont go no fetish for wrestling its a job chico, and it earns big bucks mang plus all the chicas want a piece of the action mang.
And He's avoiding the question of why he's beating off to furry porn.

You could've just said, I like cats I don't have a fetish for them! but you do, so you couldn't say that. Someone call Animal Protection We can't have that idiot raping cats.
ey yo mang we dont go no fetish for wrestling its a job chico, and it earns big bucks mang plus all the chicas want a piece of the action mang.
According to your friend, my use of cat accounts, indicating it being a fetish, would be compatible to the half dozen or so wrestling accounts infecting the board currently.

I'm sure you're rolling in delusional money.

And He's avoiding the question of why he's beating off to furry porn.
I noticed the lack of denial on your end, as well. :techman:
Your perception of my account choice being a fetish is more telling about yourself than it is about me.

You could've just said, I like cats I don't have a fetish for them! but you do, so you couldn't say that.
I didn't know I was required to defend myself of every wild claim made by idiots on message boards. If you don't mind, I'll continue to respond to whatever I want in any manner I wish to.

Someone call Animal Protection We can't have that idiot raping cats.
Your ability to connect the dots is truly a marvel to witness.

P.S - Scott Hall covered that part, Why would I repost something already posted?
You can't honestly expect me to reply to that quote+text method? it's long and pointless.

I will though, just because Sniper Kitty needs his jollys:

We're using the nWo Gimmick, of course we'd be using nWo avatars and personas. In case you didn't realize, as new members join They pick their own nWo member. We FINALLY almost have someone picking a woman.

Replied to the second part.

You're not required to be funny, I was just throwing out suggestions to help you improve yourself.
You can't honestly expect me to reply to that quote+text method? it's long and pointless.

I will though, just because Sniper Kitty needs his jollys:
I do. That's why I'm here. Keep me entertained.

We're using the nWo Gimmick, of course we'd be using nWo avatars and personas. In case you didn't realize, as new members join They pick their own nWo member. We FINALLY almost have someone picking a woman.
If it seemed like I was unaware, it's because I don't really give a shit.

Replied to the second part.

You're not required to be funny, I was just throwing out suggestions to help you improve yourself.
Thank you. Your opinions matter to me very much.

Btw, hilarious that you changed your mind and responded after Conchaga taunted you. Just a dallop of pwnage there.
If you didn't care you wouldn't be replying.

Your post is just hiding behind sarcasm, because you honestly don't have any arguements, and are just a fyad-fag, its unfortunate but the nWo is done with you.
If you didn't care you wouldn't be replying.
I thought my reasons for replying are obvious. Apparently, not to everybody.

Your post is just hiding behind sarcasm, because you honestly don't have any arguements, and are just a fyad-fag, its unfortunate but the nWo is done with you.
lolwut? What threads are you reading? I'd like to see evidence of the NWO doing anything besides failing slowly and pathetically.
This thread: Full of kitty WIN. It's so nice to see Kitty sharpening her claws once again. It's better than her shredding the furniture.
I'd like to see evidence of the NWO doing anything besides failing slowly and pathetically.

Dual's on trial isn't he? Even if it's a fake trial and even if it doesn't go anywhere, it proves he's an idiot, just as we'll prove you're an idiot.

I was reading your responses in this thread, which are mainly "I dontn care" but you continue to get hissy over nothing :P