

Is this real life?
Surprised no one's said anything about this yet (or maybe I missed a thread...).

I'm sure we've all seen the trailers and thought "that looks like it would be a great movie if it didn't have Tom Cruise in it". Well. He's in it and there's nothing we can do about it now.

To be fair, any problems with characterisation (there isn't any) aren't his fault. None of the characters have much to them. Even Morgan Freeman's character feels half finished. We learn next to nothing about him and if he was played by anyone else he'd probably be completely unengaging. I think they were trying to be understated and introspective, which would've been great if it worked, but instead it made the characters seem so impassive and difficult to read that you ended up not really caring what their emotional states were anyway.

Despite that, it is an enjoyable film. Brilliant, brilliant visuals, lovely design work, and an imaginative story that just sort of washes over you. It feels a little like the remake of Solaris, or something of that nature. An intriguing story that takes its time to unfold, at a pace that's neither bang crash bang, nor sending you to sleep. I think it's safe to say that from the outset you know that not everything is as it seems, but with a bit of luck you'll still be surprised by the plot twists when they come. Worth seeing on the big screen.

Oh and it's got a surprise turn from Jaime Lannister.


Touching the monolith
Staff member
We briefly discussed it in the chat. I figured it would look fantastic, but wasn't sure if it would actually be any good.


I want to smell dark matter
I'm sure I'll watch it on dvd eventually and bump this thread to agree with your opinion.