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Observe Legitimate Moderation


RIP Karl 1991-2014
I'm cleaning up the mugen wrabid wrasslin wretard spooge. You can thank me later.
Self determination is a human right? Then why the fuck am I sitting in my office at 10 am instead of sleeping the sleep of the not-so-innocent? QUICK, CALL THE UN!!
I dunno, I like the idea of bumming around the wilderness of West Virginia and maybe robbing the occasional solitary traveler on the Appalachian trail for the rest of my life, but the health benefits aren't exactly anything to write home about.
Hm, if the report I saw about the Appalachian trail a few months ago is any indication, 80% of the solitary travelers you might find there aren't exactly robbing material (unless you have a thing for worn-out boots and used toothbrushes), so that might prove to be even less satisfying than whatever you do for a living right now...

Of course, there is always the option of going to India to pretend to be a Sadhu. Better weather, more generous people, and the weed is just *wow*
That does sound tempting, but I'd have to shop around a bit to make sure my alms wouldn't be solely dependent on my ability to perform genital-centered feats of strength.
Oh, don't be harsh. Omar's just having a little fun. He just doesn't understand wrastlin', being Egyptian and all. Just tell your NWO friends to add some camel related events to their lineup, and he'll come around.
You mean, like The Camel clutch?

Deleting threads that dont have illegal content or arent pure nonsense spam is kind of cowardly. Anyone who can't handle some "invasion" with words alone should be at some other board.

The logs show he deleted 4 nWo related threads yesterday, including one I started. Thats treason.


Wow. I guess he got bored playing mod.
I'm pretty torn between being serious about this and letting it go (after he served some time as poolboy, of course).
I am having a severe 'Pickle mod incident' deja-vu right now. Don't like that one bit.
we need a trial !

By deleting the NWO threads who are a party standing for modship, it has prevented a fair chance for those twats to continue their political campaign.

so it not fair on them

But I also dont care and they did need to stfu...