October 31st


Forever Empress E
It is a fitting day. Halloween. A party kind of day. The last day of this month. This year, the end of a weekend.

I'll be going then for awhile. Just letting you know in advance so you won't worry my latest stalker has run me off or that I'm in need of stars. It is true that I am like that proverbial bad penny and I will return, someday.

Have a Happy Thanksgiving and if I don't see you before then, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.


RIP 1970~2018
It is a fitting day. Halloween. A party kind of day. The last day of this month. This year, the end of a weekend.

I'll be going then for awhile. Just letting you know in advance so you won't worry my latest stalker has run me off or that I'm in need of stars. It is true that I am like that proverbial bad penny and I will return, someday.

Have a Happy Thanksgiving and if I don't see you before then, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.

Yeah sure. I'll be waiting.

BTW There aren't any proverbs with a bad penny. Your terminology is fail.

Do everyone a favor and get smarter before you come back.

Or don't come back at all (even better).

While you're gone or when you leave, we'll all be here being normal decent regular folks shooting the shit and having a good time being decent to each other.

Good riddance.

Post note - All you had to do is refer to yourself in the third person. An example I myself was willing to display. Now everyone knows your unwillingness to work towards peace. Try as you might to convince otherwise, you are a hateful, ugly, bitter angry hag interested in derision and strife.

TK may not be better off with me but TK is sure in the hell better off without you.

Go with my condemnation and hatred you old whore.



Forever Empress E
Yeah sure. I'll be waiting.
Please don't on my account.

BTW There aren't any proverbs with a bad penny. Your terminology is fail.
Actually, "a bad penny always turns up" is a quite common proverb. Perhaps you should check your dictionary for the meaning of proverbial.

Do everyone a favor and get smarter before you come back.
Take your own advice.

Or don't come back at all (even better).
Is this part of your manipulation technique? The sad thing for you is if you aren't here when I do return, I probably won't notice and I definitely won't miss you.

While you're gone or when you leave, we'll all be here being normal decent regular folks shooting the shit and having a good time being decent to each other.

Good riddance.
I've no doubt that the majority of the posters here will be their normal selves, and many of them are decent, regular folks, as they were before my absence, and will be during my absence, and after my return. You, however, will continually prove and state that you are here on an agenda and working an angle, at which you will always fail. You have no finesse. You are completely transparent. In addition, you have no believability. You will find that those you think you are manipulating to help you in your little power plays will play along as long as it is fun for them but they will lose interest when they realize the whole thing has been about your ego and provides little payoff for them.

Post note - All you had to do is refer to yourself in the third person. An example I myself was willing to display. Now everyone knows your unwillingness to work towards peace. Try as you might to convince otherwise, you are a hateful, ugly, bitter angry hag interested in derision and strife.
It is interesting that when you look in the mirror what you see is a hateful, ugly, bitter angry hag interested in derision and strife. Perhaps you are angry because of your sexual identification issues. You should try counseling and perhaps consider gender reassignment surgery.

TK may not be better off with me but TK is sure in the hell better off without you.
You are correct in that TK for me is not better with you. In my opinion, you are a flash in the pan. Someday you will realize how big a failure your plans here will be and you will be off to another board looking for someone to help you troll out of existence this board and populate your floundering board, provided your little self-serving board centered around your ego hasn't completely dried up.

Go with my condemnation and hatred you old whore.

I would say the same to you but I'm taking leave to devote time to projects I find fulfilling, positive, and rewarding. So, I will wish for you that you receive what you wish for others. For everyone else, I wish them well and hope they have many fine stories to share when I return and that their holidays are merry and spent with the ones they love.


beer, I want beer
That was a lot of words to waste on a fag lame. Eloisel, you can't leave yet. You haven't offended hippies, jews, blacks, lesbians, asians, or the developmentally disabled yet.


Forever Empress E
That was a lot of words to waste on a fag lame. Eloisel, you can't leave yet. You haven't offended hippies, jews, blacks, lesbians, asians, or the developmentally disabled yet.

Au contraire, mon ami. I offended you so that takes care of the developmentally disabled.

Here is a joke told to me by the first lawyer I worked for. (Mr. Rosenfield)
"Do you know what a Jewish woman does with her asshole every morning?"
She sends him to work.

I am a hippie - original kind.

If you want African-Americans, lesbians and Asians offended, you'll have to do that yourself. I trust you know how. Maybe 'Gear can help you out.


beer, I want beer
Please don't on my account.
There's no accounting for you.

Actually, "a bad penny always turns up" is a quite common proverb. Perhaps you should check your dictionary for the meaning of proverbial.
As a proverb it refers to the return or reappearance of a thoroughly dislikable or vile person. Although I find it apt, are you sure this was the analogy you were reaching for?

Take your own advice.
YAY, retard slam! Got that one in under the wire!

Is this part of your manipulation technique? The sad thing for you is if you aren't here when I do return, I probably won't notice and I definitely won't miss you.
Now who's the liar?

I've no doubt that the majority of the posters here will be their normal selves, and many of them are decent, regular folks, as they were before my absence, and will be during my absence, and after my return. You, however, will continually prove and state that you are here on an agenda and working an angle, at which you will always fail. You have no finesse. You are completely transparent. In addition, you have no believability. You will find that those you think you are manipulating to help you in your little power plays will play along as long as it is fun for them but they will lose interest when they realize the whole thing has been about your ego and provides little payoff for them.
But you're not mad, and this is not real. lololol

It is interesting that when you look in the mirror what you see is a hateful, ugly, bitter angry hag interested in derision and strife. Perhaps you are angry because of your sexual identification issues. You should try counseling and perhaps consider gender reassignment surgery.
Translated: "FAG!" What a classy broad.

You are correct in that TK for me is not better with you. In my opinion, you are a flash in the pan. Someday you will realize how big a failure your plans here will be and you will be off to another board looking for someone to help you troll out of existence this board and populate your floundering board, provided your little self-serving board centered around your ego hasn't completely dried up.
Bitch, did you just call me a sidekick? Oh it's ON, now. Me and my muslim unibrow friends are gonna go jihad up in here...

I would say the same to you but I'm taking leave to devote time to projects I find fulfilling, positive, and rewarding. So, I will wish for you that you receive what you wish for others. For everyone else, I wish them well and hope they have many fine stories to share when I return and that their holidays are merry and spent with the ones they love.
She's going down to the border to help shoot illegals. Holidays are open season on wetbacks...


Forever Empress E
Donovan said:
Bitch, did you just call me a sidekick? Oh it's ON, now. Me and my muslim unibrow friends are gonna go jihad up in here...
Bring it. I'll grab my Pakistani friends. Do you think we could get this shindig catered? I'll be nice and explicitly request no pork or pork products.


beer, I want beer
Au contraire, mon ami. I offended you so that takes care of the developmentally disabled.
YAY retard slam!

Here is a joke told to me by the first lawyer I worked for. (Mr. Rosenfield)
"Do you know what a Jewish woman does with her asshole every morning?"
She sends him to work.
translated: "Some of my best friends are...." except we know differently, don't we?

I am a hippie - original kind.
Okay, so you don't bathe. But what kind of hippie hates Mexicans, the poor, and muslims? Did you even read the handbook?

If you want African-Americans, lesbians and Asians offended, you'll have to do that yourself. I trust you know how. Maybe 'Gear can help you out.
An african american, a lesbian and a chinaman are prospecting for gold in the mountains. When they hit on a good vein of ore, the weather begins to turn. They agree to stay in the mountains, but realize they'll never survive without provisions. The african american says, "I'll get material for tents." Then he tells the lesbian to get lots of water. finally he tells the chinaman to get supplies, and meet back at first snowfall.

When the african american returns to the camp snow is falling already, and soon he sees the lesbian struggling up the path with lots of water. "It was easy," she said. "I went to the nearest dyke, jammed my fist in a hole, and water gushed out. Plus my hands smell like fish now."
The african american says, "I found a lot of cheap leopard skin print material for tents, and they threw in purple shag carpet and fuzzy dice for free. Now all we need are supplies."
But the snow gets deeper and deeper, and the chinamen is nowhere to be found. His companions get very worried and finally begin to go down the path to seek hime out. Just outside of camp, the chinaman suddenly jumps out of A bush, yelling "SUPPLIES! SUPPLIES!"


Forever Empress E
translated: "Some of my best friends are...." except we know differently, don't we?
Actually, for some reason the Pakistanis flock to me like moths to a flame. Don't know why, they just do and always have.

Okay, so you don't bathe. But what kind of hippie hates Mexicans, the poor, and muslims? Did you even read the handbook?
No - I shower and swim often. I don't hate any group of persons per se even though there are types of people - like terrorists - that I am afraid of and don't like because I am afraid of them. It isn't my fault that these are times where it is so easy to offend and there are people who are looking really hard to be offended.

An african american, a lesbian and a chinaman are prospecting for gold in the mountains. When they hit on a good vein of ore, the weather begins to turn. They agree to stay in the mountains, but realize they'll never survive without provisions. The african american says, "I'll get material for tents." Then he tells the lesbian to get lots of water. finally he tells the chinaman to get supplies, and meet back at first snowfall.

When the african american returns to the camp snow is falling already, and soon he sees the lesbian struggling up the path with lots of water. "It was easy," she said. "I went to the nearest dyke, jammed my fist in a hole, and water gushed out. Plus my hands smell like fish now."
The african american says, "I found a lot of cheap leopard skin print material for tents, and they threw in purple shag carpet and fuzzy dice for free. Now all we need are supplies."
But the snow gets deeper and deeper, and the chinamen is nowhere to be found. His companions get very worried and finally begin to go down the path to seek hime out. Just outside of camp, the chinaman suddenly jumps out of A bush, yelling "SUPPLIES! SUPPLIES!"

It took a long time to get to the punchline but it was funny.

Are you familiar with the "no arms and no legs" jokes?


Fuck me silly
It is a fitting day. Halloween. A party kind of day. The last day of this month. This year, the end of a weekend.

I'll be going then for awhile. Just letting you know in advance so you won't worry my latest stalker has run me off or that I'm in need of stars. It is true that I am like that proverbial bad penny and I will return, someday.

Have a Happy Thanksgiving and if I don't see you before then, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.

Thank the fuck god.....now get in a horrible fatal car wreck while you're gone.


Forever Empress E
JF - when are you going to put a quote from me in your signature block? You could be part of the axis of evil - you, Gear, and Donovan. The DGJ Axis of Evil, The Triumvirate of Trolls, the Three Stooges. Have you ever thought about being a knight? I bet foam would look good on you.


Forever Empress E
Pakistani friends...omg TERRORIST! I kew there was something wrong with you.

Nah ... my Pakistani friends are shopkeepers. They only want to sell their stuff, keep a roof over their heads, put food on the table, send their kids to school in decent clothes, and bring all of their relatives to America.


beer, I want beer
JF - when are you going to put a quote from me in your signature block? You could be part of the axis of evil - you, Gear, and Donovan. The DGJ Axis of Evil, The Triumvirate of Trolls, the Three Stooges. Have you ever thought about being a knight? I bet foam would look good on you.

I get to be Curly.


beer, I want beer
Nah ... my Pakistani friends are shopkeepers. They only want to sell their stuff, keep a roof over their heads, put food on the table, send their kids to school in decent clothes, and bring all of their relatives to America.

Do you get pissed when they speak in Pakistani language?


Forever Empress E
Do you get pissed when they speak in Pakistani language?

No. They try to teach me a few words in Urdu but I only retain it for so long. Mostly they prefer to learn English.

My only complaint is all the guys are named Hadji and Hassan. Not much of a complaint really. If I forget their name I've got a 50-50 chance of getting it right.


Forever Empress E
Yea your right I shouldnt joke about that shit but if im provoked i can be a dick.

It doesn't take much to provoke you. Take a chill pill.