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Office emails


Elitist Redheaded Trollop
I LUV it when someone sends out an email to who they thought were just a couple of people, but it ends up going to the entire firm with WHAT A DICK as it's subject line!!!!!!!!

Tisi's day is much better now.

my pet peeve is the person who throws 20-50 addresses in the "To:" field for some bullshit email about how their life is going or what's going to happen to the copier on friday or whatever. that's what the "Bcc:" field is for.
I hate getting chain emails.. I wish I got a WHAT A DICK email instead!
I know of many real stories around this.

The guy who lost the Suzuki account for a "reply all" email with a racist comment about the Japanese. He also lost his job. (rightly so)

The Guy who did a reply all with "What does the little witch want now?" in the text. he barely kept his job.
A while ago this guy I'd never heard of added me and Whisky on Facebook, so I sent Whisky a private message on there with the title "Who the fuck is _________" and making some disparaging comments in the main text. It wasn't till I was lying in bed that night I suddenly realised that because I had this guy's name in my head when I was writing it I'd accidentally sent it to him instead of Rich. And he wrote back telling me who the fuck he was and that he "only wanted to make friends will like minded people." :(
oof. that's rough. a friend of a friend told me of her latest trial with a subordinate:

she had tasked this dude with a rather large project, and at the beginning of the week, he was all, "i'm 'bout it 'bout it, i'm on it boss, yes!" so by the end of the week, she had not heard a peep from the dude, and at end of day friday she asked, via email, for a status report. it wasn't until she got home that she saw his reply, which was very bitchy. he basically accused her of saddling him with an unworkable project, attacked her management style, attacked her work ethic, basically called her a bad boss.

the next email that she gets is a notification from the exchange server, saying that her password has been reset due to multiple bad authentication attempts. the email after that was an apology letter from the dude, asking her to disregard the email, and that he'd have the project done by monday.

so he fired off his angry missive, said "FUCK I SHOULDN'T HAVE SENT THAT", tried to break into her account to delete it, and then apologized. it probably would have ended there if the server hadn't recorded his IP (which was internal... he was in the office as he was trying to break into her account) but it did, and they then had to start a review process.

during said process, he was under investigation for other counts of email fraud, so the project she had assigned to him was never completed by him - my friend had to pick up the slack.
Tisi please elaborate if this was an email about how a co-worker is a dick OR if this was an email about a co-worker's dick.
About a co-worker IS a dick.

But in a joking kinda way, but some of the people around here and in the other offices probably got in a huff over it. Apparently they've never talked to me in person if they are offended by someone just using the word dick.

You also have to understand about the captioning world...there are voice writers, who this was, and then realtime writers, who I am. We don't "mingle" and I know that sounds snobbish, but we're kept in different parts of the offices (both here and in VA) because we have different studio requirements. So, for a little while yesterday, I had a hard time figuring out who the guy was, even though I see his name in the emails all the time. Finally, another voice writer told me it had been from a VW.

Whew...I just made myself hungry explaining that. Off to get some early lunch! <g>
A while ago this guy I'd never heard of added me and Whisky on Facebook, so I sent Whisky a private message on there with the title "Who the fuck is _________" and making some disparaging comments in the main text. It wasn't till I was lying in bed that night I suddenly realised that because I had this guy's name in my head when I was writing it I'd accidentally sent it to him instead of Rich. And he wrote back telling me who the fuck he was and that he "only wanted to make friends will like minded people." :(

It still hurts. :(
oof. that's rough. a subordinate:

a rather large project,
she had not heard a peep from the dude,
saddling him
attacked her
attacked her
bad boss.

multiple bad authentication attempts.

so he fired off his
angry missive, said "FUCK I SHOULDN'T HAVE SENT THAT", tried to break into her account
pick up the slack.
Why would someone speak the captions? For the lazy-but-not-deaf?

Anyway my pet peeve this week is reply-all email chains that I'm stuck on b/c I'm on an email distro, but this topic doesn't relate to my work, and I DON'T GIVE A FUCK ALREADY, FUCK !!