Okay so which is the best ending to Return of the Jedi

The Tomtrek

Love Wookiee

The original 1983 "Ewok Celebration" ending:


The 1997 "Victory Celebration" ending:


or the 2004 "Victory Celebration" with added Naboo and young Anakin ending:



I want to smell dark matter
Voted for 2004 becaue it feels the most epic and appropriate as an ending to the entire saga and YES I like Yub Nub but the new music feels more final. And I don't mind Hayden too much even if I'm supposed to and I find his creepy grin amusing. And the 1983 one has very little Wedge.

Eggs Mayonnaise

All In With The Nuts
I prefer the Robot Chicken logic-check ending:


Nineteen eighty muthafrakkin' three.


1. Even with ultra fast galaxy spanning communications, the party ins'y going to be galaxy wide. The rebellion had support, yes, but if it had the kind of support the 1997-2004 galaxy wide party indicates, the rebellion wouldn't have needed to simply knock out a superweapon, the general populace would have driven every storm trooper out into the street and stoned them. People are people whereever you go and as a rule, people don't give a pile of bantha poodoo who rules over them if basic services aren't interrupted and sometimes even when they are. I call shenanigans on the galaxy wide celebrations.

2. They're toppling statues of Palpatine in the streets? WTF? Palpy never struck me much as a glory hound. I don't think he would have commissioned giant likenesses of himself, he already had the power to create life from nothing. Anything else kinda pales in comparison. Plus total way to bash communism too, Lucas. They're knocking over statues of Lenin and Stalin, let's have the rabble of Coruscant do the same! YAWN.

3. Creepy young Anakin. Totally validates Kenobi's bullshit about Anakin being "killed" by Darth and renders moot all the evil he did as Darth. Absolute crap. Anakin killed the younglings. Anakin betrayed Kenobi and the Jedi. Darth was "born" after these events.

4. I like the song. The Ewok celebration song is waaaaaay better than the YAWN world music panflute of the victory celebration music.



I want to smell dark matter
They're toppling statues of Palpatine in the streets? WTF? Palpy never struck me much as a glory hound.

He has giant talking billboards of himself all over Coruscant BEFORE he's evil.