Troll Kingdom

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Old PMs from other boards


* * Filthy European * *
If I may, I would like to put our past behind us. Yes we are two entirely different people with different personalities but there is no reason we shouldn't get along. We come from different parts of the planet and there is an age difference between us so we may not understand each other. What I may perceive as an attack may just be a friendly jab and vice versa. I never meant anything off base with my comments early in our relationship. It was just me trying to make a joke. I guess you didn't find them funny. You thought I was trolling you so you trolled me straight to hell. I may kid around but I don't troll. Was never really good at it anyway. I didn't stand a chance against you. I never thought you were a bad guy and I happen to like most of your post. So if you're willing and would care to start fresh I am extending the olive branch..
And yes.. You trolled me a bit. But that's all you've got in your miserable life. You do it so you can feel in control of something for once. Too bad you can't do the same for your future. If you devoted as much time and energy into productivity as you do trolling, maybe you wouldn't be such a crackhead bottom feeder. lol

Another fan
As for your "she's yet to flame anyone" argument, the same applied with ######### or whatever the fuck his name is and that didn't stop you. so you know what, I think you're just a hypocrite. I'll go ahead any place you back on my ignore like you wanted. It's probably for the best because I can''t handle the shit you say to me anymore. I don't need it in my life. I'd rather go back to getting fiddled as a kid then dealing with your bullshit any longer.

Another Fan said:
Seph said:
Another Fan said:
Well? There may never be a chance for us again.. To think that I was so close with you last week and doing all that sexual stuff makes me think you were just fucking me around.

I may spin out over things that is correct, but you have done it many times to me, which I'd forgiven every time. I guess it only matters when I do it, right?

Sad thing is I'll never be able to stop loving you and that is the worst, most painful punishment I could ever have. I'm never going to be able to have a happy relationship because no matter who the fucking guy is, I'll always wish I was with you instead. You've ruined me, Seph.

Night Another Fan, i have you on ignore everywhere now, behave yourself or ul get banned here. gotta work in 3 hours.

You listen to me when I'm upset and now you're just talking down to me like you always do.. You're acting like you've won or something.. I can't believe this... I can't believe I wanted you in my life.. and now you've blocked me everywhere when I'm having my moments..

Fond memories from old accounts
Another Fan said:
You come say these bad things to my face, though I doubt you ever could. I'm going to meet someone else who wouldn't say these things to me, won't accuse me of talking to other men all the time, call me nigger, and threaten me.. I'm going to meet someone who will eagerly give me a happy life, a baby, and love. He'll protect me and be there when I'm upset and need him.. I'm beautiful and confident enough to be fine without you and certainly beautiful enough not to be alone for long.

I've never threatened you ever so come tell me to my face that you're going to fuck my world up and how relieved you are to be rid of me, and how easy it was getting me to love you, so I'll know you actually mean it!!!!!

You're a horrible person to me.. Maybe not to others who love you like I did, but to me you were.. Maybe that's why women freak out at you all the time, because you're so mean!

Seph said:
good luck finding this man, i will shake his hand and wish him the best, for me you are a lost cause, far to much of a drama queen gnight

Another Fan said:

Hardley said:
You got a problem with me? You almost always have a negative thing to say about my posts. I have no disrespect for you, so what gives?

Seph said:
Dude are you joking? day one here or GG gave me a PM telling me not to get annoyed with you that were just bantering, read a chapter of your own bible, if I had a problem with you I wouldn't beat around the bush I'd get a can of petrol and set fire to it.

Follow your own code bro I'm bantering theres a stupid smiley at the end of each fucking post

Hardley said:
ok. Forgive me. It just seems that since we got modded it seems to be more and more frequent. Even when I post a positive response to your post or thread you seem to post a negative one to mine. I have no beef with you and I like your threads especially the serial killer thread. I'd like to post a comment or two without the fear of being attacked.

Seph said:
Bro Give The "Fishing, Tents And Buds" thread ass an example, you have come into a thread of which you have no positive input to make as the subject, which hold no interest to you at all and received two jokey negative responses(from ME you always will under these circumstances), why come piss in a thread where you have nothing to input other than negative responses as to why you DON'T like it?
Everyone else is trading tales and posting pictures of their adventures, I just giving you what your putting into a thread everyone else posting in is enjoying, I don't understand the mentality behind it, my mum always said to me if you don't have anything positive to say shut up, now I'm not telling you to shut up by any means but I'm using it as a metaphor.

Now if I had a problem with you there would be a thread in the flame section.

Hardley said:
I now understand and believe me I mean no disrespect to you. I have much respect for you and want to stay on your good side. Sometimes I may post without thinking how it may come across. I got to think more before hitting that post button.

If I may, I would like to put our past behind us. Yes we are two entirely different people with different personalities but there is no reason we shouldn't get along. We come from different parts of the planet and there is an age difference between us so we may not understand each other. What I may perceive as an attack may just be a friendly jab and vice versa. I never meant anything off base with my comments early in our relationship. It was just me trying to make a joke. I guess you didn't find them funny. You thought I was trolling you so you trolled me straight to hell. I may kid around but I don't troll. Was never really good at it anyway. I didn't stand a chance against you. I never thought you were a bad guy and I happen to like most of your post. So if you're willing and would care to start fresh I am extending the olive branch..

This was hilarious!
I had him on the ropes for ages, kept torturing him we were both mods and I run him in circles lol
I wish I'd saved the Sent Items. I have 31 PMs at TrekBBS since 2003. Here are the earliest. I think I may have been winding Kass up on purpose here, and trying to get her to warn Jethro for the sheer hell of it whilst acting 'precious'.. This is the woman who gave me an official warning (rescinded) for calling Keiko O'Brien "Cakehole O'Brien'".
