Troll Kingdom

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Omar: Please appoint me as your council

I merely appointed Illyana as his council. He may hire you as his co-council if he so wishes. Is this strictly a pro bono case for you?
Omar hereby appoints you co-council. You may join the defense team of Ilyanna, Dual, et al.
I strongly suggest to let Darth take over the part as councelor and do all the talking. (Not only because I know jackshit about that, but also because I get seriously hot when he takes rules to pieces.)

Oh, and I definitely think we should petition for dismissal of the case, since, as Dual already stated so beautifully - there is no case.
Oh, and I definitely think we should petition for dismissal of the case, since, as Dual already stated so beautifully - there is no case.

Then why make him jump through hoops? Fuck the Spamitution. Fuck the petition. Just drop the matter and move on to more interesting bibble.
after this its just going to be more dlp vs zod vs all the other parties, back to the normal frame of things.