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Eggs Mayonnaise

All In With The Nuts
...isn't on for 4 hours so why I'm starting this thread now is beyond me, silly goose that I am.

Post here is your nipples are hard.
*hard nips aplenty*

WTF is going on tonight, anyway? The drama from last week is gone - but aren't they designing for some big celeb or shome shit>? We shall shee.
I think this is the one where the models catfight over pictures of female movie stars, because the designers have to make an updated version of a legendary look, and the models choose which icon they get.

Also Jeffrey and Angela get into a catfight which eventually includes Laura.

Quite happy with the episode. The Jeffrey/Angela thing didn't dominate the show, Michael won over the Pageant Queen (although that gown was gorgeous too), and scruffy dogboy is gone.

I predict Robert's gone next. He's been a BIG disappointment considering his background working for Isaac Mizrahi...
When oh when will Angela get the boot? I just hate her. I missed last night's episode but I just know she designed some ugly, ill fitting piece of crap and made it out by the skin of her teeth. Am I right?!
Actually, you're wrong. She designed (much to our chagrin) a stunning dress. Lots of subtle, subtle detail (no gaudy, none) with a perfect fit. It really was wonderful, our esteemed hostess was even heard to remark, "I want one of those dresses in every color, I love that dress".

So Angela may not be the slouch we all thought she was. She's not worse than Wendy Pepper (who can eat a dick).