
I've been reading rumors of a new concert tour in the fall. If that's true...I am SO there! No matter how much it costs. Seeing Babs live is on my list of the top 10 things I must do before I die.

Seeing Baryshnikov dance was another...and I actually got to do that!

So, stay tuned, kiddies! I will keep you updated...
Baryshnikov is something else, I've always rated him as one of the all time dance legends.

Wicked that you got to see him perform live.
Friday said:
I've been reading rumors of a new concert tour in the fall. If that's true...I am SO there! No matter how much it costs. Seeing Babs live is on my list of the top 10 things I must do before I die.

Seeing Baryshnikov dance was another...and I actually got to do that!

So, stay tuned, kiddies! I will keep you updated...

You like Barbara Streisand? Sick fuck. You must be a LESBIAN.
Mentalist said:
Baryshnikov is something else, I've always rated him as one of the all time dance legends.

Wicked that you got to see him perform live.

*flips my wrist in the general direction of the gay MENTALCASE and blows him kisses*
Yeah, Menty, I did get to see Baryshnikov live. He was literally poetry in motion.

I've discovered something else on youtube. Two songs from my favorite musical of all time, Les Miserables. These clips are from the 10th Anniversary Concert in London. They assembled a dream cast, including Colm Wilkinson, the man with a voice of a god. There is also a background choir of 250 people.

This first clip is One Day More... wilkinson

And this clip is the finale. If you do nothing else today, my friends, you must view these clips! wilkinson

I did see Les Mis on Broadway, twice. Sadly, neither time with Colm Wilkinson. Sigh...

I find myself thinking that a race that can create such beautiful art really does have hope for a better tomorrow.

Yeah, I'm waxing hopeful. So sue me... ;)
Oh for shit's sake!

You want to spend $1500 per ticket to hear Barbra Fucking Streisand screech and rant about how greedy YOU are as an American?

At $1500 per ticket?

The insanity of such masochistic self-flagellation makes JESUS weep.
Cranky Bastard said:
Oh for shit's sake!

You want to spend $1500 per ticket to hear Barbra Fucking Streisand screech and rant about how greedy YOU are as an American?

At $1500 per ticket?

The insanity of such masochistic self-flagellation makes JESUS weep.
Thread closed.

Not at all. I was emphazising how your post had hit the nail on the head, and how the thread had reached its zenith.
Messenger said:
Not at all. I was emphazising how your post had hit the nail on the head, and how the thread had reached its zenith.


I am speechless.... I think. I had taken you for a Streisand fan with pictures of her on your walls and rubber Barbra dolls to caress at night...

Well, hell. My estimation of you just jumped from fish shit to somewhere around sea level.