On the Woman’s Power

Lord Raffles

New member
Every day a drag, designed by woman and maintained by man. Equality of the sexes is an absurd idea – they are equal! The apparent imbalance of power that is so criticized today was not even an apparent one, and on any half-sensitive scrutiny would have seen to be, if not perfectly natural and just (the same thing), but even tipped slightly in the direction of woman’s favour. You can beat a woman certainly. But you will never win. Unless you become as insensitive as them anyway.

Constant and consistent bargaining on behalf of the libidinous unconscious is the woman’s strength. That a commodity whose sole value is supposed to be its freely given and consensual nature can be offered and revoked in the same unspoken bat of painted eyelids is a staggering feat of misdirection on the part of any assumed-to-be-moral being. They say the devil’s greatest triumph was convincing man he doesn’t exist. The woman’s greatest triumph was convincing him love does. Interior colonization by an act of fucking? A woman was never internally colonized. I often wonder if they are that deep. Skin, but shed for no-one. And for his seed a man is raped.

To the world’s applause a woman takes her living property and dumps the donor as fancy takes her; only economic gifts and narrow flattery will move her now. But as any serious minded thinking engineer knows, eventually every invention must return for its development to the source. There is only one way to combat the female monopoly of raw materials: refine and complicate the finished product. A man must out-parent the hapless single parent. And re-apply those seals of quality.

The shortsightedness of woman is amusing. To reclaim love, her one-time underhanded arms and armour, and to use it in its right capacity, will bring us children, and will cost her everything. Economic power is irrelevant without trust and inspiration. A future is as nothing without kids.
I want to know what the hell you were smoking when you wrote that. I can't even tell whether I only mostly disagree with it or completely disagree with it because the majority of your above text drops continuity and butchers word usage so often.
The Question said:
I want to know what the hell you were smoking when you wrote that. I can't even tell whether I only mostly disagree with it or completely disagree with it because the majority of your above text drops continuity and butchers word usage so often.

You read that? To the end? YOu ARE GUILTY!


Lord Raffles said:
You read that? To the end?

I couldn't help it, it was like watching a train wreck happen in the dining area of a fast-food joint -- you get the "It's horrible but I can't look away!" factor, plus the "Holy shit, what the fuck?" factor at the same time.
You know it's right, you're just angling for a way into admiting it and blaming it on me you one dimensional fucks. I've seen through you yesterday, tommorow, but more pertinentley today.

I want to salute in words. But I can't.

Fuck you.