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One last open letter to Vap (and the gang)


New member
So, I see there is still no weekly web comic from you Vap, one more in a long string of scams from the King of Lies-

I was looking forward to see another web comic, but I see that my original assumptions were right, that you "can't draw" (meaning you don't seem to have artistic talent beyond that of the average person, and there's nothing wrong with that anyway).

But your true sin here is that you led us to believe you could draw by falsely presenting the work of others as your own. Again.

It is against my principals to respect anyone who would do that, and I can't associate with anyone who would. It's the last straw. Even the Boy Who Cried Wolf told the truth once.

Your hate goes far too deep Vap, and there may be no hope for you now.

Sadly, you will continue to fade quickly away from my awareness, but I will reach out this one last time and deal with this issue once and for all, if for no other reason that to know I made some effort.


I believe I was accurate in my assessment of Vap's mental state in a remark that accidentally hit home:

Vap is jealous of artists. It's that simple.

My question is "why?" Certainly there are many gifted people who write, color, letter, or edit comics. Do these people regret what they don't have and hate others for it, or do they go ahead and do their thing, and hopefully kicking ass their own way?

Vap, you get up before the crack of dawn and spend your days online telling retards to go fuck themselves. Why waste your time making racial slurs in a sub-sub-sub basement of some forgotten internet hole INSTEAD OF MAKING COMICS?

You say you've "been doing it for years". Where?

Why not channel all that hate and anger into a productive project, and tell your stories?

And do you really need all that attention all the time? Can't you settle for having a couple of dozen people reading comic stories written by you? Will your ego be satisfied?

Veitch, Bissette, you continue to name drop, but can you not find ANYONE who you can join forces with to create something that can put a positive use to your anger?

Is that our fault? YOUR fault? ANYONE'S fault?

Have you let your insanity alienate you from everyone who would otherwise join you? Are you proud of the fact that you turned your own self hatred outward as a weapon against others instead of accepting a life not always front and center in the "spotlight" (if it can even be called that), simple to overinflate your ego?

I'm saddened. You may still have time to get help, and turn your life around. I'm sure you would have readers that know you from here, if you would just have the balls to deal with your years of sickness and join us in this new age of web publishing.

This could be your last chance.

Not inflate your ego with self-importance, that is the path of bullshit. To save yourself, you must take your place BESIDE us all, and join us as an equal. Then and only then will you be able to heal.


It has been a project of mine on these message boards for years now to disabuse every last one of you knuckleheads of this ridiculous notion that your artwork must be "better" than everyone else's in order for it to be worthy.

This is not true.

And it's not your fault. It's the bullshit of our overcompetitive American society that has bred this in you all. It is damaging, and it encourages us to damage others in turn.

Technically speaking, MOST of the people who run in the Boston Marathon are LOSERS. And yet, every last one of them can run faster and farther than every last one of us. What does that tell you? Should these hundreds of athletes simply give up, lie down, and forget their achievements because some SCHMUCK calls them a LOSER?

I say NO.

So why do they do it? They probably will never win the race. But they run anyway. Why?

Do you want to know one of the main things that got me off my ass to cartoon (as I was born to do)? That TCJ thread on their messageboard, the one with the art posting. Those guys don't seem to express worry over achieving great popularity, monetary reward, or publishing deals. The one thing I noticed about all those dudes is that they JUST DO IT. They make stuff, they share it, because THAT'S WHAT THEY DO. THAT'S ALL.

Once I saw people putting on a play for one person in the audience. Empty seats everywhere, and these people were singing and acting their hearts out. Why? I think I know.

Perhaps it's a matter of perspective. Perhaps, ALL of us have our place, our own purpose. Perhaps the true challenge of our lives is the exhaustive search to discover that purpose. To offer that voice which belongs to us and nobody else.

Trying to become some other person is a sure path to depression. And envy is an ugly little emotion, and it is beneath you. Acknowledge it, then dismiss it, for it is not at all interested in helping you.

Your purpose in life is NOT to draw like that guy, or make more money than this guy, or have as many fans as those guys.

YOUR job is to find your own voice. YOUR job is to find your place, where the people are who need to hear that voice. And they are out there.

Each and every cog is needed.


So how about it Vap? Will you choose to confront your anger, and use those supposed connections of yours to make a real effort to contribute to the good of all comicdom? Or will you sink into lonley depression and spew bile alone in the hole of message boards?

Will you continue to blame me? Will you continue to hate Danny? Will you keep projecting your growing self-loathing until you die from the cancer you yourself created?

OR can you do the best you can and be happy with the results even if they go unrewarded, and you never match the perceived successes you see around you? Can you make stuff, as we do, simply because it's what you do?

The choice is yours.

Jack, go fuck yourself with a belt sander. Asshole claims he drew my 'artfight' winning entry. Freeze up and die in sunny Vermont, you lying, thieving coprophage.

Is it just me, or does Jack have some people on edge?
And it's not your fault. It's the bullshit of our overcompetitive American society that has bred this in you all.