Ongoing X-Files Thread of Doom...


Zombie Hunter
Weird. I'm sure I made this thread. I even remember people posting in it. But I cannot find it anywhere. Is this a case for "The X-Files"?

Anyway, evening viewing last night. Story Television has "unexplained phenomena" as the theme for Saturday nights and it's usually garbage, but last night they were doing "The Story of God," tracking the development of the Big 3 monotheistic religions--Judaism, Christianity, and Islam--and it was OK. But then that ended and they moved into "The Bible Code," complete with very dated "Matrix" green binary "waterfall" graphics and an ominous narrator managing to say "CODE" at least once every paragraph. I'm gritting my teeth and trying to endure it because I don't want to do the surf through all the channels just for some background noise, but the pseudoscience conspiracy wonks are terrible and when they got to the part where they're like "12th century mystic ascetics didn't look at the Bible as a book, they considered it a living entity..." I changed the channel. Eventually got around to Quest TV. That was a good channel when it came out--basically Discovery reruns. But then I think when Story came in as History Channel reruns it became "Jersy Pawn Shop Swamp Tow Truck Hookers" all the time every time. But surprisingly, they were doing "Survivorman" last night. While I had a friend that preferred it to the Bear Gryhlls show because it was more authentic, I preferred the higher production values and more charismatic host of the latter. But it's not bad. So I'm watching that and suddenly realizing Comet will have "X-Files" on (because at this point I'd somehow forgotten it was Saturday, not Sunday) and they did.

Sweet Mother of Elvis, what a mess. I mean, the show was always flawed, but when they shot in Vancouver in the early 90s and you had Mulder and Scully wandering around in the woods with flashlights, shouting to each other with eerie atmospheric background music, it at least had a charm and a niche. Style over substance, but still engaging. Last night... Last night we had Agent Monica, trying to track a hospital while Agent Dogget was in a coma. Apparently Scully and Mulder's love child has been kidnapped by David Khoresh so Scully makes a couple brief cameos while they try to unravel, no that's too strong a word, wade through the mishmash that is supposed to be the case. In the end they arrive at a secret camp in time to watch a flying saucer fly off and they hear Scully's baby crying (but unharmed) in the flaming wreckage.

Next episode, Agent Monica is in the hospital in a coma--brain dead allegedly--while Agent Dogget mopes around. Agent Monica is awake in some alternate reality version of the hospital while a creepy Dr. Death doctor may or may not be killing anyone that threatens his plans to kill anyone he can. There's also a weird dyslexic candy-striper who lives in the basement and built a dollhouse version of the hospital that she's able to talk to Agent Monica at. Scully pops in a couple times to...well, not really do anything. Agent Dogget eventually rescues Agent Monica from her vegetative state and catches Dr. Death, but not before he's killed the candy-striper. Just a god-awful mess. So glad I gave up on the show after the series finale that led into the first movie.

Incidentally, it is criminal that got shuttered. Such a good place to posit on the moment entertaining shows ran out of things to do.


I want to smell dark matter
Weird. I'm sure I made this thread. I even remember people posting in it. But I cannot find it anywhere. Is this a case for "The X-Files"?
A few days' worth of posts got deleted last week because of a server problem or something.

Darin Morgan episodes are the best.