Only Six Percent Of Scientists Are Republicans: Pew Poll


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Only Six Percent Of Scientists Are Republicans: Pew Poll
by Sahil Kapur

A new study by the Pew Research Center finds that the GOP is alienating scientists to a startling degree.

Only six percent of America's scientists identify themselves as Republicans; fifty-five percent call themselves Democrats. By comparison, 23 percent of the overall public considers itself Republican, while 35 percent say they're Democrats.

The ideological discrepancies were similar. Nine percent of scientists said they were "conservative" while 52 percent described themselves as "liberal," and 14 percent "very liberal." The corresponding figures for the general public were 37, 20 and 5 percent.

Among the general public, moderates and independents ranked higher than any party or ideology. But among scientists, there were considerably more Democrats (55%) than independents (32%) and Republicans (6%) put together. There were also more liberals (52%) than moderates (35%) and conservatives (9%) combined.

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As I always thought, reality has a liberal bias.:rofl:


Let's fuck some shit up
Bill Maher's interview of one such Republican scientist in his movie Religulous was hysterical. How can a man be a geneticist and still believe in intelligent design!?


beer, I want beer
Considering the Republican Party is the party of the Religious Right Wing, it is not surprising, that only nine percent of all scientists align themselves with the Republican Party. They are not stupid. The bad news is that, at most, scientists are only 14% of the entire population. With that, the US falls into the third world.

Dirk Funk

Evil Penguin
Maybe it's just me, but I don't really consider Republicans as "right wing". They're more centrist. The religious ones are more authoritarian/centrist. With Goldwater and to a lesser extent, Reagan gone, the Republican Party has no right wing. They're a bunch of big-government statists with very little that separates them from the Democrats. In fact, IMHO, the biggest difference between Republicans and Democrats is that it will take Republicans a week longer to become communists. You want REAL right wingers? You can find them in the Libertarian and Objectivist movements.


I love this place
The reason for this is very simple. The Republican Party - and especially Bush - has spent a decade or more attacking "intellectuals" and trying to obstruct scientific progress.

It's part of the Republican identity now. And there aren't many people who will vote for a party that stands against them doing their jobs. So no wonder scientists aren't Republican.