Original Batmobile sells for $4,200,000


King of Sarcasm
I watched it, that was insane!


Keeper of the Nether Eye
The only problems I had with this was that:

a. The decision on who would buy was decided on a coin flip, ruining the whole point of an auction.

b. The frenzy of the crowd enabled Barrett Jackson Auctions to push the price way up.

I'm not saying the car's not worth it - it's an icon in it's own right. If someone wants to pay 5 point something million for it after premiums and taxes, go ahead.

Too bad some selfish bastard ended up with it and it'll be on permanent display in his Arizona living room. Not that there's fans or anything that would pay to see the damn thing all over North America and the world, for that matter. I was hoping Ron Pratt would bid on it so it could be displayed in a museum - I guess when Mr Champagne divorces his blonde bimbo it'll come up for auction again. . .


I want to smell dark matter
But doesn't Adam West own it and drive it around town?


Eggs Mayonnaise

All In With The Nuts
Seth McFarlane gave West a more forgiving depiction, although he's never given him the Batmobile.


BTW, the Batmobile commanded such a high price because there were still samples of Burt Ward's spunk left in the passenger seat.


Be patient till the last.
auction houses count on frenzies to jack the bids up.

and of course with a provenance like Burt Ward's spunk in the passenger seat, well....!


I want to smell dark matter
And how come Batman doesn't dance anymore? Remember the Bat-U-Si?


I want to smell dark matter
I'd like to see him try that against the Scoutmaster.