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Elitist Redheaded Trollop
I've hurt the shit out of my back somehow, and drugs and booze have not diminished the pain. Not even a heating pad. *sniffle*

And I've got OT tomorrow at work, so that's all it needs is sitting all day long hunched over and tense writing the news and talk shows.
Well, we were using circus midgets, a horse, and some anal lube. She slipped on the lube, causing her to trip over the midget. The horse was fine though.
I told you not to tell anyone about that!! How embarrassing to slip on the lube, for Zeus' sake.

Actually, I haven't a clue. I'm too young for these problems!!
The lube was your suggestion. How else were we going to get that thing in there? Besides, I didn't tell anyone who did what with the horse. Names were changed to protect the innocent.
Yes. is rather big. But I was determined to fit it in, so I only have myself to blame.
Well, as soon as your back is better we'll try again. But this time I will hold the plunger. You just make sure that the straps are tight enough. Should we get you a cushion?
A little cushion for the pushin'? I think that's a marvelous idea. Or maybe a donut?

Perhaps this time we should also lube up the plunger. Just to err on the side of caution.
Tisiphone said:
A little cushion for the pushin'? I think that's a marvelous idea. Or maybe a donut?

Perhaps this time we should also lube up the plunger. Just to err on the side of caution.

A donut would provide easier access. That's true. Lubing the plunger is also a good suggestion. Perhaps we should switch brands. KY is better for this kind of thing. It's water soluble. Yet, I think the midgets are a bit superfluous. Yes, they are more suited for the job given their height. It allows them better ange of approach. Yet, we need to cut costs. We could bring in my cousin. I know that's a bit freaky, but she's experienced in this sort of thing. I'm sure I could line this up by Friday. Does that fit well with your schedule?
Bringing in your sister isn't that freaky, well at least not for me. I mean, we've already got a horse and a midget. Why not add her? Incest is best, after all. ;)

And Friday is St. Patrick's day, so I'll be out boozing and flirting. Saturday perhaps?

Saturday can be arranged. She's my cousin, not my sister. She likes girls, too. Hope you're into that sort of thing. You're right. If you can't keep it in your pants, keep it in the family. Yet, we started this project with you in mind. Therefore, I think that you should reap all of the benefits.