Troll Kingdom

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New member
Took his WF banning very seriously. I just took joy in knowing I potentially fucked up his experience there.

Zodiac said:
Took his WF banning very seriously. I just took joy in knowing I potentially fucked up his experience there.

Waaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhh! SaintLucifer is more popular in Wordforge than I am so I better get him banned. Wahhhhhhhhhhhh. He is stealing my thunder in Wordforge! *stamps his feet* I want SaintLucifer gone because everyone pays attention to him and not me. Waaaaaaahhhhhhhhhh.
Zodiac said:
Took his WF banning very seriously. I just took joy in knowing I potentially fucked up his experience there.


Whining like a bitch and moaning to the Admins does not take much. You were clearly perfect for the job. You are just angry because people in Wordforge stopped reading your posts and started reading mine. You only began whining AFTER you realised this, especially when I tore you apart in so many posts IN YOUR OWN THREADS. I made you my bitch and this angered you to no end. The result? Whining to the Admins that I was a dual this and a dual that. I even recall you started the whining EXACTLY AFTER I DESTROYED YOU WITH ONE POST. You have acted in exactly the same manner as RWC did. Neither of you could handle me so you had me banned. I have successfully made both you and RWC my bitches. I ran you out of here so you sought out revenge by attempting to run me out of Wordforge. The beauty of it is you got yourself banned from Troll Kingdom when I caused you to lose it after you were granted Admin powers. You completely flipped out thanks to my tearing you apart. When I began to do the same in Wordforge you must have been experiencing flashbacks about my driving you out of Troll Kingdom.

Out of curiousity, why are you back? Could it have something to do with you being ignored at Wordforge? Everyone at Wordforge has learned you are an idiot? Could it have something to do with the fact I have not been in here so you feel it is 'safe' to enter? Fear can do that to people. You may continue to be my bitch.
Who affects who here you bitch? You have ALWAYS resorted to threats upon my person. You are a simpering coward who whines like the bitch you are. I OWN your ass and you know it.
This post here shows how fucking stupid ZODIAC truly is. He was going to forward a browser-crasher sent to him compliments of BAD DOG which he fell for to an Wordforge Admin. What a fucking MORON. BAD DOG and I had an exquisite laugh at ZODIAC's idiocy. ZODIAC fell for my browser-crasher and complained to the Admins here in Troll Kingdom which got me banned to DAYCARE. He did the same in Wordforge. Fucker bitched to the Admins that BAD DOG had crashed his browser and so began to whine like the suck he is. When he does things to other people they just laugh at him but lordy if you do the same to him he whines and bitches to the nearest Admin. Fucking baby stamping his feet when people bitchslap him one too many times. He is such a suck he had me banned from Wordforge for destroying him in that site. As a result people in Wordforge began to realise what a complete fucking tool he is and began to mock him.
Please note in that Wordforge thread as posted above ZODIAC wanted the thread closed or deleted. Why? He does not want people to see what a fucking whiny bitch he is. Too late he realised. They had already gathered this fact much to his consternation. After I was banned he went batshit... AGAIN. I rather have that affect upon him therefore I OWN him. Don't believe me? Looky here, an entire thread created by him in my honour:
Every single time I entered Wordforge under another name he whined, bitched and moaned. As SaintLucifer I was banned by TAMAR for posting from within the Embassy Room, a rule which I did not know about. I was not warned ONCE. Wordforge works on a point basis. One is warned and given so many demerit points for breaking any of their rules until they reach 15 points whereby they are banned. I did not even manage a single point whereupon TAMAR banned me pronto! She realised I was the SaintLucifer she had developed a hatred for in Troll Kingdom. I own the bitch. I created an account called FascistCanuck. As one can clearly see ZODIAC had that one banned. I owned his ass as FascistCanuck and it pissed him off so he began to whine, whine and whine some more. Every post I made as FascistCanuck he screamed 'dual!'. No one else cared. He badgered TAMAR who banned me yet again. I then went into Wordforge yet again but this time as GHOST who was by far the most-popular individual on the site. This absolutely drove ZODIAC batshit. He knew from the get-go it was me (duh? since I never changed my posting style in the slightest) yet he said nothing. When I began tearing him to shreds in every post he made this angered him so much he began to scream yet again 'dual!' The Admins knew GHOST was SAINTLUCIFER. They ignored the fact GHOST was a dual because I was creating the kind of traffic Wordforge had never in its entire history seen before so they were reluctant to ban me. ZODIAC just kept at the Admins demanding I be banned. This caused the newer members to wonder about whether it was alright to have duals and the Admins could not tolerate this. Wordforge, under my rule, obtained more members in the short time I was there than they had ever had and the Admins knew it. They had no choice. It was after this that ZODIAC was mockingly called a 'hero' for having me banned. After my banning it was all downhill for ZODIAC. He began to post insane posts. People began to point at him and laugh. Traffic at the site slowed down considerably since my banning. I even caused Wordforge to deny ALL accounts created through Yahoo e-mail.

What more proof does one need that I OWN ZODIAC's ass? I have turned him into a whiny, bitchy suck who is online 24/7 like the LOSER that he is.
Allow me to state for the record I am in complete shock! For the first time EVER ZODIAC is not here at the same time I am! I slapped him around last night and he has not been here since. I told you I OWN his ass.

Do you people not understand the significance of the fact ZODIAC is not here? He must either be sick to the point of death OR I must have done more damage to him last night than I had first suspected. The LOSER is such an easy fucking target with his bitching, moaning and groaning.
Captain Jack said:
Ah, the old story of the boy who cried wolf comes to mind. You've just lost any trust and sympathy from nearly (if not all) the folks who have read this thread and really thought you had died, Lord Raffles. Not funny. It was pretty shitty actually. I did feel bad for you. I won't make that mistake again.

Paladin said:
Whining like a bitch and moaning to the Admins does not take much. You were clearly perfect for the job. You are just angry because people in Wordforge stopped reading your posts and started reading mine. You only began whining AFTER you realised this, especially when I tore you apart in so many posts IN YOUR OWN THREADS. I made you my bitch and this angered you to no end. The result? Whining to the Admins that I was a dual this and a dual that. I even recall you started the whining EXACTLY AFTER I DESTROYED YOU WITH ONE POST. You have acted in exactly the same manner as RWC did. Neither of you could handle me so you had me banned. I have successfully made both you and RWC my bitches. I ran you out of here so you sought out revenge by attempting to run me out of Wordforge. The beauty of it is you got yourself banned from Troll Kingdom when I caused you to lose it after you were granted Admin powers. You completely flipped out thanks to my tearing you apart. When I began to do the same in Wordforge you must have been experiencing flashbacks about my driving you out of Troll Kingdom.

Out of curiousity, why are you back? Could it have something to do with you being ignored at Wordforge? Everyone at Wordforge has learned you are an idiot? Could it have something to do with the fact I have not been in here so you feel it is 'safe' to enter? Fear can do that to people. You may continue to be my bitch.

Paladin said:
Who affects who here you bitch? You have ALWAYS resorted to threats upon my person. You are a simpering coward who whines like the bitch you are. I OWN your ass and you know it.
This post here shows how fucking stupid ZODIAC truly is. He was going to forward a browser-crasher sent to him compliments of BAD DOG which he fell for to an Wordforge Admin. What a fucking MORON. BAD DOG and I had an exquisite laugh at ZODIAC's idiocy. ZODIAC fell for my browser-crasher and complained to the Admins here in Troll Kingdom which got me banned to DAYCARE. He did the same in Wordforge. Fucker bitched to the Admins that BAD DOG had crashed his browser and so began to whine like the suck he is. When he does things to other people they just laugh at him but lordy if you do the same to him he whines and bitches to the nearest Admin. Fucking baby stamping his feet when people bitchslap him one too many times. He is such a suck he had me banned from Wordforge for destroying him in that site. As a result people in Wordforge began to realise what a complete fucking tool he is and began to mock him.
Please note in that Wordforge thread as posted above ZODIAC wanted the thread closed or deleted. Why? He does not want people to see what a fucking whiny bitch he is. Too late he realised. They had already gathered this fact much to his consternation. After I was banned he went batshit... AGAIN. I rather have that affect upon him therefore I OWN him. Don't believe me? Looky here, an entire thread created by him in my honour:
Every single time I entered Wordforge under another name he whined, bitched and moaned. As SaintLucifer I was banned by TAMAR for posting from within the Embassy Room, a rule which I did not know about. I was not warned ONCE. Wordforge works on a point basis. One is warned and given so many demerit points for breaking any of their rules until they reach 15 points whereby they are banned. I did not even manage a single point whereupon TAMAR banned me pronto! She realised I was the SaintLucifer she had developed a hatred for in Troll Kingdom. I own the bitch. I created an account called FascistCanuck. As one can clearly see ZODIAC had that one banned. I owned his ass as FascistCanuck and it pissed him off so he began to whine, whine and whine some more. Every post I made as FascistCanuck he screamed 'dual!'. No one else cared. He badgered TAMAR who banned me yet again. I then went into Wordforge yet again but this time as GHOST who was by far the most-popular individual on the site. This absolutely drove ZODIAC batshit. He knew from the get-go it was me (duh? since I never changed my posting style in the slightest) yet he said nothing. When I began tearing him to shreds in every post he made this angered him so much he began to scream yet again 'dual!' The Admins knew GHOST was SAINTLUCIFER. They ignored the fact GHOST was a dual because I was creating the kind of traffic Wordforge had never in its entire history seen before so they were reluctant to ban me. ZODIAC just kept at the Admins demanding I be banned. This caused the newer members to wonder about whether it was alright to have duals and the Admins could not tolerate this. Wordforge, under my rule, obtained more members in the short time I was there than they had ever had and the Admins knew it. They had no choice. It was after this that ZODIAC was mockingly called a 'hero' for having me banned. After my banning it was all downhill for ZODIAC. He began to post insane posts. People began to point at him and laugh. Traffic at the site slowed down considerably since my banning. I even caused Wordforge to deny ALL accounts created through Yahoo e-mail.

What more proof does one need that I OWN ZODIAC's ass? I have turned him into a whiny, bitchy suck who is online 24/7 like the LOSER that he is.

Paladin said:
Allow me to state for the record I am in complete shock! For the first time EVER ZODIAC is not here at the same time I am! I slapped him around last night and he has not been here since. I told you I OWN his ass.

Do you people not understand the significance of the fact ZODIAC is not here? He must either be sick to the point of death OR I must have done more damage to him last night than I had first suspected. The LOSER is such an easy fucking target with his bitching, moaning and groaning.
Too long; didn't read.
Paladin said:
Waaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhh! SaintLucifer is more popular in Wordforge than I am so I better get him banned. Wahhhhhhhhhhhh. He is stealing my thunder in Wordforge! *stamps his feet* I want SaintLucifer gone because everyone pays attention to him and not me. Waaaaaaahhhhhhhhhh.

How can he steal your thunder, when they've banned you?
Lucy. You're probably one of the few trolls who has actually failed to troll anyone at WF. Considering how easy that is, and how hard you seem to try, you should be ashamed of yourself.
Yea... but he's still our hero ;)

Note: The way you can tell if a person is a good troll or not is the amount of responses they get whenever they make a statement. A poor one wil be simply blown off or ignored completely. St.lucifer/ Padalin seems to draw many responses with almost every remark he makes. I myself enjoy his posts/responses because they almost always seem to make me laugh :)
starguard said:
Note: The way you can tell if a person is a good troll or not is the amount of responses they get whenever they make a statement.

Absolute bullshit.
starguard said:
Yea... but he's still our hero ;)

Note: The way you can tell if a person is a good troll or not is the amount of responses they get whenever they make a statement. A poor one wil be simply blown off or ignored completely. St.lucifer/ Padalin seems to draw many responses with almost every remark he makes. I myself enjoy his posts/responses because they almost always seem to make me laugh :)

Wow, someone has no fucking idea what a troll is.

Why am I not surprised.
FBI parte due said:
Lucy. You're probably one of the few trolls who has actually failed to troll anyone at WF. Considering how easy that is, and how hard you seem to try, you should be ashamed of yourself.
Desi let Lucy post here?
What's so difficult to understand about my post?

I suggest you go watch some I Love Lucy, my ignorant friend.