Parky launches blistering attack on people who are still on tv


I want to smell dark matter
Irrelevant retired chat show host Michael "Parky" Parkinson today launched a blistering attack on anyone other than himself who still appears on television in any capacity.

"These modern young people don't know they're born, I say, they don't know they're born!" said Parky, pointing at something. "In my day, you had to be Michael Parkinson to be on tv. But now they'll let young people with modern ideas who aren't old and aren't me on tv! What's the point of them, I say, what's the point of them?"

Parky began drooling for several minutes before speaking again.

"I interviewed Muhammed Ali you know, thought he were going to thump me one, I say, I thought he were going to thump me one!"

Parky then pulled a copy of Russell Brand's Booky Wook out of his pants.

"Books with funny names," he said, shaking his head slowly. "Pointless! In my day, all comedians were named Billy Connolly and were Billy Connolly. October? That's the name of a month! Was one of his jokes. I never really got it."

At this point, Parky got up, went to the window, watched some children playing with a ball for several minutes, then banged the window and shook his head.

"Young people, they've all got phones they carry about with them! Where was I? Oh yeah, Konnie Huq. What a bitch! In my day they wouldn't let a woman with a skirt that short present The Xtra Factor. But you know what? I'm not going to give them any more press coverage. Even though the only reason I'm actually getting any press coverage is because I'm talking about them, I'm not going to talk about them anymore! Remember when I interviewed Jodie Foster? I could tell she was a dyke, I could!"
He's a dour, northern chat show host, well known because he got to interview many of the world's most famous people by asking them the most pink & fluffly lightweight questions imaginable - mustly during the early to mid 1970's, and a subsequent revival at the beginning of this millennium. He's a notorious bootlicker.

His interview with Meg Ryan was fantastic.
Meg Ryan's upper lip looks odd. The rest of her looks great.

I don't think Michael Parkinson is very well known in the U.S.
He's now only known for doing insurance ads where he offers confused old people a "free pen" and slagging off Russell Brand and "these new modern chat show hosts" in interviews when promoting his new book, despite recently appearing on the Paul O'Grady Show with, yes, Russell Brand.