Pay your own fucking bill


I love you
You asshole. So.....if someone you were previuosly married to, has a default on a loan that apparently you signed on (I have to check) and you have no choice but to pay it, would you? I would have to pay it then take him to court. WTF. Fucking Fuck.

If he had a rich relative would you call them? Or is it really your problem since you signed for it?

I am so mad, I want this bull shit to be over.


I love you
What do I fucking get for being a "good" person in this world? Fucking nothing! LOL. I get fucking walked on. Fuck you mother fuckers. No more Nice Mirah, you will see Love Cunt from now on. (not really, I'm just sayin)


Sinless and Purrfect
I don't co-sign anything with anyone.


Forever Empress E
Unfortunately you are responsible for debts incurred in the marriage. Although the Court may require one party to pay a joint debt, that ruling does not prevent a creditor from pursuing either party for an unpaid debt. The creditor is not a party to the divorce action. The Court has no authority to modify the terms of the contract that was executed with the creditor.

If it were me and I could afford it, I would pay the debt or make arrangements to settle the debt with the creditor. If it is a revolving loan, I would make certain that the account is closed so that he can't keep running up the debt while not making any payments on the account. Then, I'd file a claim against him in court. The court I'd file in would depend on the dollar amount. If it is a lot of money, hire a lawyer. Once I got a judgment, I'd file a lien on any property he has of value so that when he went to sell it he'd have to pay me first out of the proceeds of the sale. If he owns real estate and an oil and gas leasing company wants to option his property to explore under his property, then they will have to pay the lien off for him before they can execute a lease with him.

Don't be a bitch. Just look at it as taking care of your business.

If you can't afford it, then that is a whole nother thing because you just can't squeeze blood out of a turnip. If the judge ordered him be responsible for the debt in the divorce decree, when the creditors call throw yourself on their mercy. Tell them the court ordered him responsible and you've got no money. Maybe they'll write it off. Again, if it is a lot of money, you will have to pay taxes on the amount written off as income.

Good luck to you.

Dirk Funk

Evil Penguin
You asshole. So.....if someone you were previuosly married to, has a default on a loan that apparently you signed on (I have to check) and you have no choice but to pay it, would you? I would have to pay it then take him to court. WTF. Fucking Fuck.

If he had a rich relative would you call them? Or is it really your problem since you signed for it?

I am so mad, I want this bull shit to be over.

This sounds like the last thing you need right now. :( I'm sorry this is still going on.


Retired Account
tie him up, burn his families home down, then brutally and relentlessly torture him...

then u will have ur moneh's worth...


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
You asshole. So.....if someone you were previuosly married to, has a default on a loan that apparently you signed on (I have to check) and you have no choice but to pay it, would you? I would have to pay it then take him to court. WTF. Fucking Fuck.

If he had a rich relative would you call them? Or is it really your problem since you signed for it?

I am so mad, I want this bull shit to be over.

Don't forget about your States Attorney General. That's the best consumer advocate you have. The divorce decree will supercede any claims. if you settled everything at the time of the divorce (including all debts past present and future) the creditor is probably just trying to bullshit you into paying. demand a notarized copy FROM THEM that shows your real signature, not something that was done by proy (or worse "initials")

Wheezie's largely right, except for one important point, cosigning by marriage is different than regular cosigning, especially when divorced.

What's up with the signature part of this anyway? Did you sign it?


I love you
After thinking about it I probably did. The reason I couldn't remember it is because if I did it-it wasn't at the dealer office. The salesman actually came home with him to get me to sign it-I am going to request a copy of that. I will probably contact a lawyer anyway-they usually have a free consultation.

I have heard both outcomes from others as well-what jack is saying and what eloisel is saying.

I am trying to find his moms # who lives out of state. I can't even get a hold of him. Last time it took me a week to get a hold of him-and it took sending someone to his place to get him to call me.


Let's be making sexy business
This is a car loan?


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
How can you "default" on a car loan? They simply repo the car, and that satisfies the majority of the debt, the rest of which goes on his report (and yours too if you truly co-signed)


I love you
Yes this is a vehicle loan. They repo'ed the vehicle. Sold it. And didn't make enough money from it so now there is another fucking bill to pay. Grrrrrrrrr


Retired Account
never co sign


I love you
I was married , otherwise I wouldn't have.
This is why I never bought a house with him and why I'm not with him anymore. (well one of the reasons)
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Retired Account
was he shit in bed?

small willy?


take a kidney of his.....should work out about right


Unluckiest Charm in the Box
I guess this thread lays proof to the old saying "No good deed goes unpunished"

I hope you win Mirah :(