People sometimes ask me...

The town is named Greece, and they name all their schools after Greek deities. They also have Greece Apollo and Greece Olympia. The town is technically a suburb of Rochester, but it's as big as the other now so it's more a sister city/metropolitan area like the tri-cities.

This kid was pretty much a nine days' wonder here. The story was that he had been the team mascot/captain for his entire school time, four years, and they let him in the game in a "Rudy" type move, not really expecting him to do much more than take a couple shots. After missing a couple, the kid started sinking three-pointers like crazy. Now I guess there's gonna be a movie deal, and the local grocery chain is selling Tshirts and stuff.

Hey Friday, are from this area, or did you just catch the national wire?
Donovan...I was born in a suburb of NYC, but have since moved a little further south.

My sister used to live in Poughkeepsie, so I know the upstate area rather well.

I saw the video clip on YouTube.
Actually, I look after the tards. Special ed is different in some ways. But yeah, it helps to deal with behavioral issues one faces on these boards.

Have you ever hugged a tard, Gurk? I mean, besides your girlfriend, that is? They're great people to know, mostly, and they remember you forever.
Donovan said:
Actually, I look after the tards. Special ed is different in some ways. But yeah, it helps to deal with behavioral issues one faces on these boards.

Have you ever hugged a tard, Gurk? I mean, besides your girlfriend, that is? They're great people to know, mostly, and they remember you forever.
I totally agree. It's the toughest job I'll ever love.

I've actually learned a few valuable life lessons from my students. Persevering in the face of seemingly insurmountable obstacles, for one. :)
Donovan said:
They're great people to know, mostly, and they remember you forever.

It's true.

My brother's capacity to remember people, even in passing amazes me. He remembers people I went to High School with better than I do.

They tend to be the most loving, generous and sweet souls on this planet. There are some exceptions but it makes dealing with the difficulties a real labor of love.
Iv'e been at this job 13 years now, never thought I'd do it this long. Can't seem to break away...
Posting with you guys makes me feel like I am hanging out with the shortbus crowd! Do you feel.... "Special"?

Astral said:
Posting with you guys makes me feel like I am hanging out with the shortbus crowd! Do you feel.... "Special"?


Man, that really hurt. I don't think anyone has been called a retard in the history of teh internets. Way to go, window licker Astral! You are teh clever! And working in a short bus reference, because retards ride shorter buses, Bwhaahaahaa funneee. Troll Genius, everyone. Right here on TK!!!!
I just got off the ShortBus... I'm the driver... i can spot you guys a mile away!

Its important for me to be able to spot you guys so I can assist!
Donovan said:
Iv'e been at this job 13 years now, never thought I'd do it this long. Can't seem to break away...
I tend to need a hiatus every once in awhile, to cure the "burnout". But after awhile, I really want to get back in the game.

Regular ed doesn't appeal to me, either.

Funny, there's quite a few people here who work with special needs people. You, me, Henoch, Shatna's wife. I wonder if that does say something about TK?

A good training ground for future Special Educators, maybe? ;)