

RIP Karl 1991-2014

FBI parte due

Folces Weard
Every comparison of Obama to Stalin or Hitler makes it that much harder for any legitimate criticism of him to be taken seriously.

Your choice, I guess.

FBI parte due

Folces Weard
Fairey's a mildly insane artist with an incredibly overblown idea of himself, and the Obama campaign actually publicly disavowed that poster.

Why don't you post a thread about how Obama wants Manuel Zelaya, Honduran criminal and fugitive from justice, back in power?


RIP Karl 1991-2014
Fairey's a mildly insane artist with an incredibly overblown idea of himself, and the Obama campaign actually publicly disavowed that poster.

Why don't you post a thread about how Obama wants Manuel Zelaya, Honduran criminal and fugitive from justice, back in power?

Obama's handling of the Honduran situation has left quite a bit to be desired (joining with Castro and Chavez in pushing for a latent dictator to be returned to power, cool), but in my view, what he's doing with the country internally is much more concerning, from Gitmo and the Patriot Act to two trillion dollar deficits and nationalising vast swathes of the economy and trying to use the NEA as a de facto propaganda ministry.


Un Banned
So, Aque, are you in favour of Obama's continued use of the Patriot Act? How about Guantanamo still being open?

O'll do whatever's necessary to protect the civilized world from al Qaeda & Iran:usa2:

If Bam feels the PA must remain active & Gitmo stay open to achieve that end, so be it:usa2:


RIP Karl 1991-2014
O'll do whatever's necessary to protect the civilized world from al Qaeda & Iran:usa2:

If Bam feels the PA must remain active & Gitmo stay open to achieve that end, so be it:usa2:

How did you (your ridiculous Obamaniac troll persona, to be accurate, not the real Obamaphobe behind the account) feel when Bush was doing the same thing?


Vuhlkansu Wihs
How come when Liberals criticized Bush and made funny cartoons about him they were labeled as un-American terrorist supporters but when conservatives do the same thing with Obama, they're just practicing they're god given rights and freedom of speech?

And why do conservatives embrace the bible and all the philosophies therein, yet they're political philosophies are "it's all about me" and "I've got mine, screw you"?

And you ever notice that the two main programs that conservatives are against the most are public education and universal health care? Both of which DON'T put money in their pockets where as private schools and private health care make them fat and happy?

Just some random late night rambling....


Vuhlkansu Wihs
"The Republicans are self serving scum, too," isn't a weak excuse for Obama.

I'm not making any excuses for Obama. I'm just reminding all the conservatives around here that they're done a pretty good job at fucking everything up also.

We wouldn't be in this situation if it wasn't for Nixon, Reagan and the Bush boys. After all, Republicans have been pushing to abolish all type of government regulations for years in the name of capitalism. The Democrats just caved to the pressure and went along with it.

Dirk Funk

Evil Penguin
I'm not making any excuses for Obama. I'm just reminding all the conservatives around here that they're done a pretty good job at fucking everything up also.

Sarek, I'm not a conservative and neither is Dual. Conservatives are just as annoying. I'm a classical liberal. Since the name "liberal" has been hijacked by socialists, collectivists and statists in the last century, Libertarian is what we go by now.


Vuhlkansu Wihs
Sarek, I'm not a conservative and neither is Dual. Conservatives are just as annoying. I'm a classical liberal. Since the name "liberal" has been hijacked by socialists, collectivists and statists in the last century, Libertarian is what we go by now.

I wasn't inferring that you were a conservative. I was just stating my opinion, which simply put is, all politicians, regardless of party, have screwed the pooch.

And we're the ones who get the bill.