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Peter Jackson may direct Hobbit


Staff member
Sir Peter Jackson says he will step into the breach and direct The Hobbit himself if it becomes the only way to ensure the US$150 million (NZ$219m) film is made after the sudden departure of director Guillermo del Toro.

Wellington Chamber of Commerce has said that the film is worth "many millions of dollars" to Wellington's economy and further delays may mean the film does not start shooting until next year.

Del Toro announced yesterday he had quit the The Lord of the Rings prequel over frustration with repeated delays. He had commitments to other films and said his resignation was "the hardest decision I've ever taken".

"It was simply longer than anyone expected, the fans and the film makers," he told The Dominion Post at his Thorndon home.

"It was more a factor of the other commitments asking for a start [time] than The Hobbit needing a date to start."

Jackson and partner Fran Walsh, The Hobbit's executive producers, learned of del Toro's decision on Saturday. Jackson told The Dominion Post he was saddened by the director's departure, which was "amicable". Del Toro would continue as a Hobbit screenwriter.

Jackson met studio representatives yesterday to begin the search for a new director but wouldn't rule out directing The Hobbit himself if a suitable person could not be found.

"If that's what I have to do to protect Warner Bros' investment, then obviously that's one angle which I'll explore," he said. But stepping in as director would be difficult as he had signed writer and director contracts with Hollywood studios for two other films, with one likely to begin next year. "The other studios may not let me out of the contracts."

Del Toro, best known for Oscar-winner Pan's Labyrinth and Hellboy, was hired in 2008, when the goal was for part one of The Hobbit to be released this year. Now the earliest likely release date is 2012.

"One of my best friends died about a year ago," del Toro said. "The main thing we have in common was at age 11 we read The Hobbit. We used to spend many, many afternoons talking about how great it would be to make The Hobbit into a movie. So it was very personal to me."

He had brought his family to Wellington and had bought two homes, including one he called his "man cave". But his commitment had stretched from three years to six to make the film.

The Hobbit backers are Time Warner subsidiary New Line Cinema and MGM, but MGM was heavily in debt and up for sale.
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Jackson said he did not understand all the MGM issues, but it was co-financier. "They are in no position to do that ... I would imagine it has been a significant factor in the whole thing. I know it's been very frustrating for everybody."

More delays were likely to impact on Wellington's economy. When The Hobbit was announced in 2007, Wellington Chamber of Commerce said it would be worth "many, many millions of dollars" to Wellington and "hopefully this will ensure continued buoyancy in the [film] industry for at least several years to come".

While the film is not officially in pre-production, work has already begun including rebuilding the Hobbiton set in Matamata. Russell Alexander, who operates the Hobbiton Movie Set and Farm Tour business near Matamata where scenes from Jackson's Rings trilogy were filmed said he could not comment on the situation due to confidentiality clauses in contracts he had. He said it was "business as usual" with tours of the sets.

Jackson said The Hobbit's US$150 million budget was a ballpark figure, but it could be higher if it was filmed in 3-D.

Jackson said November was now the earliest start date for shooting, but it depended on finding the right director. "I just don't know now until we get a new director. The key thing is that we don't intend to shut the project down.

"We don't intend to let this affect the progress. Everybody, including the studio, wants to see things carry on as per normal. The idea is to make it as smooth a transition as we can."

What the hell is going on with this film.
I would imagine the studio is making all sorts of demands regarding casting, dates and other such fare to ensure they squeeze every last Dollar from it. That is bound to put delays on it. I wouldn't be surprised if the Studio is pushing for 3D involvement, and creative are against it.

Then you have personalities like Del Toro and Peter Jackson involved, along with such a number of studios, there's bound to be issues. Spiderman took nearly 15 years of Development hell to make it to the big screen - at one point it was going to be directed by James Cameron with Arnie playing Dr Octopus - that was in the late 80's. With something like The Hobbit - who knows.
I still say they should make it one movie instead of two. AND LUCAS TO DIRECT, HE'LL GIVE THEM ALL CGI BEARDS?
Why Guillermo del Toro left 'The Hobbit' -- and Peter Jackson will not replace him as director

by Adam B. Vary
May 31 2010 12:07 AM ET

Over the last four years, there has scarcely been another project in Hollywood that has been more highly anticipated — and has weathered more back-room corporate wrangling — than The Hobbit. So when filmmaker Guillermo del Toro (Pan’s Labyrinth, Hellboy) announced today that he was dropping out of directing the two films planned for J.R.R. Tolkien’s literary preamble to The Lord of the Rings, the news served as both a shock to fans and yet another possible casualty in the sad ongoing saga of MGM Studios.

As Del Toro (pictured, right) and The Hobbit producer Peter Jackson (pictured, left) explained to LOTR fansite, the two Hobbit films are still slated for release in Dec. 2012 and Dec. 2013. And Del Toro is still collaborating on the screenplay with Jackson and his LOTR co-screenwriters Fran Walsh and Philippa Boyens. But why did Del Toro walk away from one of the most highly coveted director’s chairs in modern cinema? And who could possibly step in to replace him? (Read on for why it won’t be Peter Jackson.)

The answer to the first question may in part be found in the debt-soaked balance sheets at MGM, which co-owns the rights to a feature film version of The Hobbit with New Line Cinema, the studio that made the LOTR trilogy. Late last year, MGM officially went up for sale with a reported $3.7 billion in debt, a process that has dragged on for months and thrown the prospect of future projects at the venerable studio into question — including, for example, another James Bond film. Just last Friday, Del Toro told the press in a conference call promoting Splice (which he is exec producing) that the uncertainty surrounding MGM’s future means that The Hobbit has no official greenlight and cannot move forward. “We have been caught in a very tangled negotiation,” Del Toro said. “Now I have been on the project for nearly two years. We have designed all the creatures, the sets, the wardrobe, animatics and planned action sequences and we are very, very prepared for when it is finally triggered. We don’t know anything until the MGM situation is resolved.”

UPDATE: A source close to the production tells EW that MGM’s impending sale has had absolutely no impact on the status of The Hobbit, and stresses that Dec. 2010 has always been the target production start date and is not expected to change with Del Toro’s replacement. (The text of the preceding and following paragraphs have been altered to reflect this perspective.)

When Del Toro signed on to direct The Hobbit two years ago, he moved to New Zealand to work with Jackson, Walsh, and Boyens, knowing full well what signing on to direct two giant movies back-to-back would mean. “It’s about a half-a-decade of commitment,” he told EW in April 2008. “A huge endeavor.” Two years later, the production still is not underway, MGM’s financial future is in limbo, and several other of Del Toro’s commitments as a director and producer are hanging in the balance — including possible films of Frankenstein and Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. Del Toro apparently felt that the endeavor back into Middle Earth would have to proceed without him at the helm. Jackson’s manager Ken Kamins tells EW via e-mail that he approached Jackson on Saturday with his thinking and decision.

So who could take Del Toro’s place? Not Jackson. “As for Peter directing,” writes Kamins from New Zealand, “that’s not something he can consider at this time as he has other commitments to other projects. But make no mistake, Peter and Fran’s commitment to the franchise is total and will do everything necessary to protect the films and the investment made by New Line, [parent company] Warner Bros. and MGM.” (Studio reps have not responded to requests for comment.)

Kamins says execs from New Line and Warner Bros. will be meeting with him, Jackson and Walsh this week to hammer out who will take on the job of directing The Hobbit. And until the announcement is made, why not partake in some wild speculation? I’m personally intrigued by the idea of Del Toro’s old buddy Alfonso Cuarón taking the reigns; between Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban and Children of Men, he certainly knows how to pull off sweeping spectacle with deep feeling. But who do you think should take the reigns of The Hobbit? Sam Mendes? Tim Burton? Michel Gondry? Someone else? Or do you think Del Toro can never be replaced?
yeah tim burton! johnny depp as bilbo, and Helena Bonham Carter as gollum, i hope it doesnt drop...