Peter Octavian MIA?


Staff member
It's been a good long while since I saw Octavian around these here parts. Nothing has been made of his absence either so I guess I will.

Anyone have any news on him?


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
You should try females occasionally X :bigass: Hey, what happened to all your Karma?


New Member
jack said:
You should try females occasionally X :bigass: Hey, what happened to all your Karma?
What, did Sarge come to you in your dreams or something? Chill out.


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
It was just a suggestion. Jeez...who's uptight this morning?

Must be PMX.....


Staff member
Oh well... Have a moonwalk.



Staff member

What the fuck has he done to his hand? Is that a make-shift glitter glove? Because it's on the wrong hand. N00b, LOL.


New Member
He is much too underrated an actor.

IMO he looks and sounds more intelligent than Kevin Spacey. His exaggerated American accent combined with an articulate way of speaking make for a person who perpetually comes off not as condescending, but willing to share a sharp and refined perspective.


Staff member
Dourif is top quality actor. There is no doubt. And yeah, he's very underrated. I felt more sorry for Dourif having his part cut out of the theatrical release of ROTK than I did for Christopher Lee.

Did you know that he spoke in the deep English accent of Grima the ENTIRE time he was in New Zealand shooting. On his last day he automatically reverted to his American accent and everyone thought he was hamming his actual accent up! He's a method actor extraordinaire!

I think Dourif's Grima was one of the best acted roles in the entire trilogy and that's up against some tough competition.

As I said in another thread a few days ago. Killing Lon Suder off in Voyager at the end of Season 2 was one of the biggest mistakes the writers ever made. And again, that's up against some tough competition. Dourif should of been a main character. Suder rocked.


New Member
Bradford Claude Dourif (born March 18, 1950 in Huntington, West Virginia) is an American actor with a popular reputation for playing deranged or unbalanced character roles.
The very first line in Wikipedia.

It always slips my mind that he was the voice of Chucky.

Starship Coyote

Original Gangster!
Peter posted once right around Christmas. Rumor has it he's hipdeep in RL.

The Question

Peter O. is still around, on MSN Messenger and such.