Troll Kingdom

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Petition for jack


New member
I know for a fact that you enjoy the presence of your stalkers here and do your best to ensure they don't get bored of 'hounding' you by craftily giving them the occasional dog biscuits of satisfaction to ensure their complacency.

While it's possible that your near-total lack of redeeming features is what makes you hold onto your little Comicon dolls, and that you would be just as dull and uninteresting without them as they are without you, I doubt anyone would care if you all vanished without a trace. IMO, you are not worth holding onto if your going to drag your idiot stalkers around, and should be shunned boardwide for your tacit approval of their antics here.

Since it's 'throw down the gauntlet week' here at TK, let's get this shit settled.
You utter scumbag, how DARE you suggest that Vap is "dull and uninteresting." Go read Vap's Boston getaway thread and tell me you don't find the bit about room service lobster to be absolutely riveting.
Geedis said:
You utter scumbag, how DARE you suggest that Vap is "dull and uninteresting." Go read Vap's Boston getaway thread and tell me you don't find the bit about room service lobster to be absolutely riveting.
Shut up, Nyholm/Hellman, whoever the fuck you are. In my mind, you are both idiots who deserve each other.
Geedis is a bigger idiot. He follows him around like a stalker insulting him, without realising he's an ever sadder turd for being so hooked on jack.
Does anyone here find it ironic to see one turd calling another turd a "turd" while they're all floating together in the stinkiest septic tank in town?

I didn't think so.
Keep trolling X, eventually you'll have to fish or cut bait. No one forces these morons to post here, and your continued repetition that I force them to shows your what...


Whatever. Go fuck yourself :bigass: because no one except you really cares.

But by all means, keep repeating it, it just shows how owned you truly are :)
jack said:
Keep trolling X, eventually you'll have to fish or cut bait. No one forces these morons to post here, and your continued repetition that I force them to shows your what...


Whatever. Go fuck yourself :bigass: because no one except you really cares.

But by all means, keep repeating it, it just shows how owned you truly are :)
Translation: I'm going to try to spin this so that I don't look like a dork whilst simultaneosly sticking my neck out in a futile attempt to add you to my collection of stalkers.

I agree with what they write about you. You are a most vile character whose entire tenure here has been to act like you normally would (i.e, retarded), and then say that it's all part of a grand trolling act.

You don't fool this dual, buddy boy. You don't "force" them to post here, but you sure as hell enjoy their presence.
Listening to you,
I get the music.
Gazing at you,
I get the heat.
Following you,
I climb the mountains.
I get excitement at your feet.

Right behind you,
I see the millions.
On you,
I see the glory.
From you,
I get opinions.
From you,
I get the story.