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Pharmaceutical Companies


New member
You know why the DEA/FDA/Medicare/Sleazy Lawyers target Pharmaceutical Companies??? Because the are easy targets. Rather than fight a lengthy battle with the feds, they cave into them and pay-off. I have a different opinion than most because the I have worked around people in this industry and they are some of the most highly educated, honest, ethical people you will run into. Not to say there aren't "bad" ones, you have crooks in any industry but for the most part these people are trying to do something GOOD for mankind. High prices??? there are a lot of reasons for that:
A. Frivolous Lawsuits
B. Government needs easy cash
C. Research and Development Ain't Cheap Folks.

Think about this: If you were diagnosed with Cancer 15-20 years was pretty much a death sentence. Thanks to Pharmaceutical, R&D, science.........they are saving a lot of lives now.
They also try to help people who cannot afford drugs, ask you physician's office what type of programs the drug companies offer to people who cannot afford their medicine. There are a lot of them out there, they are FREE, the drug companies will provide you the medicine if you cannot afford it.

It is the reason I never pursued all the drug links I saw posted there.............well, except for a few of them to see what they were up to. For instance............JayWoe. I knew he was cooking up some kind of crap in his basement then marketing it online. Then there are all the shady third-party billing companies for these online pharmacies. The worst yet is Frontier Pharmacy. I am having to fill out affidavits for my credit card company to pursue them for fraudulent practices.
Some of those DEA agents running amok online are total renegades. I think they have taken too many steroids which has made their pee-pee's shrivel up so now they are going postal on everybody.
I ordered from a few of those places to see what their drugs look like cause I know what they look like because I have seen samples from LEGITIMATE drug reps.

You wouldn't believe the crap they are trying to pawn off on people, then try returning it and see what a battle they put up. I got stuck with some of that CRAP because I opened it. They wouldn't take it back.
Needless to say, I gave that part of my online investigation because it got to expensive.

I also became suspicious after the threats I received from "Ava" and her GOONs. That is when everyone started throwing all the pharmacy links out there to me and I realized JayWoe and his band of THUGS were trying to set me up.


You are on The List. Watch your backs. or your six.
I have connections.

Cranky Bastard to JillianBacardi: I am warning you not to persist in mentioning Ava's name. She is too powerful to be trifled with and the little people like you are easily gassed.[/B]