Pictures of my Ass


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
LOL Good one!


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
Shut the fuck up, Elrod.
that's impolite, jack.

My ass:




Mommy Bridgette

New Member

A** is a bad word, Messanger. Besides, showing people your bottom isn't a nice thing to do. There are some real sick people on the Internet, dear, and allthough I am sure some of them WOULD like to see your bottom, it's a dangerous thing to do.
As a Christian woman, I am concerned about all these sickos on the 'Net lately. I even am careful when my little ones come on. Does your mommy know you come here, dear? I think she wouldn't want you to come here. The reason would be that first, there are some real bad boys and girls here that say awful words and such. Secondly, some of the peoiple here are disgusting moral degenerates and the Good Lord Jesus alone knows what is in their Satan controlled minds.
If you must come here, stay away from Jack and Dork Lord. Dork Lord is addicted to drugs and is always abusing himself in sinful and evil ways. He probably would try to get you to do drugs with him. Just say no to Drugs! Drugs make you stupid, ugly and also drive you insane so that they have to put you in a mental hospital after a while. Dork Lord will probably have to be sent to an insane asylum because he does all that awful, awful dope. See, honey, Dork Lord dosen't have a good mommy, so he is mixed up with some bad boys who tell him it is "cool" to be a self abusing drug addict. It isn't cool.
Jack is a very, very sick little boy. I don't know where his Mommy is, but I wish I did so I could write to her and tell her that Jack needs to be in therapy and probably needs medicine for his mental problems. Jack has a bad anger problem, and usually little boys like that get worse, not better. Jack dosen't have a lot of friends, and that makes him mad so he says bad things and tries to hurt people. I guess it's ok to be his friend, but be careful because his brain is sick and tells him to do awful things.
I strongly urge you to avoid Troll Kingdom. It is sad, but the degenerate sinners seem to rule this place. I'm afraid one of these degenerates WOULD want to see your bottom and would then start to stalk you. I seen some of those monsterous sickos on that t.v show "To Catch a Predator". Be assured that we have some truly demon possessed, degenerate, sick perverted slimebags here, honey, and if you could, don't EVER write that again. I know you didn't mean anything by it, but honey, there are some real perverted scum here.
So anyways, thats about it, dear. I wanted to warn you about these weirdo perverted, sicko, degenerated demon -possessed sinners here.

Mommy Bridgette

New Member
Ass can be used to describe an animal. For instance, this is an Asian Wild Ass.


Wild Asian Ass, ahoy!

Your misspelling of my common handle is familiar.

Still, it isn't a nice word. Why don't you watch some cool shows like Teletubbies or Sesame Street? My two babies love those shows!