Pigfoot should see a shrink


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
about his multiple personality disorder.

It appears he has tricked himself into believing he's three distinct posters on this board.

There is help for you Pigfoot, but you have to be willing to seek it out :bigass:


The Legendary Troll Kingdom


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
It's interesting to see which threads he WONT respond in.

That's how owned he is. Pigfoot thinks we are "fooled"

LOL he's the fool :bigass:

Hey Chuckie, you should see a shrink about your multiple personality disorder.


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
about his multiple personality disorder.

It appears he has tricked himself into believing he's three distinct posters on this board.

There is help for you Pigfoot, but you have to be willing to seek it out :bigass:

seek help


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
Multiple Personality Disorder is treatable.

You should seek help :bigass: It's out there, you just have to be willing to use it.


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
How to Recognize Dissociative Identity Disorder and Its Associated Mental Disorders

Dissociative identity disorder is characterized by the presence of two or more distinct or split identities or personality states that continually have power over the person's behavior. With dissociative identity disorder, there's also an inability to recall key personal information that is too far-reaching to be explained as mere forgetfulness. With dissociative identity disorder, there are also highly distinct memory variations, which fluctuate with the person's split personality.

The "alters" or different identities have their own age, sex, or race. Each has his or her own postures, gestures, and distinct way of talking. Sometimes the alters are imaginary people; sometimes they are animals. As each personality reveals itself and controls the individuals' behavior and thoughts, it's called "switching." Switching can take seconds to minutes to days. When under hypnosis, the person's different "alters" or identities may be very responsive to the therapist's requests.


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
Since you're so desperate to keep this thread buried I guess I'll just keep owning you with it

You're very welcome.

The Question

People reading us ragging on Blackfoot might come to the conclusion that we’re doing it because he’s black. I want to take a second here to dispel that misconception.

We rag on him because he is portraying an offensive, almost caricaturish stereotype. Now maybe I’m wrong — maybe he really IS like that. Either way, he has made, and continues to make, himself an object of fun.

We’re just giving him what he works hard to earn.


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
People reading us ragging on Blackfoot might come to the conclusion that we’re doing it because he’s black. I want to take a second here to dispel that misconception.

We rag on him because he is portraying an offensive, almost caricaturish stereotype. Now maybe I’m wrong — maybe he really IS like that. Either way, he has made, and continues to make, himself an object of fun.

We’re just giving him what he works hard to earn.

Bumped for truth.


The Legendary Troll Kingdom


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
This woman would an awesome date for Chuckie. She has over 2000 different personalities. They could do a whole "New Age Posting" website and he could lick her face in between posts :bigass:



Active Member
@C-40 @blackfoot NAP

Clarifying Identity: A MODMAN Guide to Multi-Account Transparency

  1. Left-click on your name at the top-right of the page, using your mouse or touchpad.
  2. From the drop-down menu, left-click 'Log out.'
  3. Once logged out, left-click the 'Log in' button again, located at the top-right of the page.
  4. Left-click once in the 'Your name or email address:' field.
  5. Observe the drop-down field for multiple usernames; these accounts indicate the use of multiple profiles associated with you.
It is essential to recognize that when addressing, quoting, or responding to one of these accounts to another, you are not engaging in conversations between distinct individuals; rather, it is the same user - namely you - managing multiple accounts. Multiple accounts don't multiply your identity – you're still just one individual, even if you've got several profiles in the mix.


The Legendary Troll Kingdom


The Legendary Troll Kingdom


The Legendary Troll Kingdom