Please Rob Me .com


The Legendary Troll Kingdom


GFHH Moderator


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
I can't believe people are actually this self obsessed.


beer, I want beer
good point though. Unless somebody actually gets robbed. Then I smell a lawsuit.

Dirk Funk

Evil Penguin
I can't believe people are actually this self obsessed.

Agreed. I fucking HATE TWITter. It's insipid. Everywhere I go for my job is tracked with GPS. They even log how long your work vehicle is idle, and if you go over the speed limit. Dealing with that kind of nonsense 10-12 hours a day, why the FUCK would I want random people to know where I am when I'm NOT at work? People who I want to reach me, can get me on my cell phone. Other than that, bugger off.


Pinata Whacker
Yeah Twitter is stupid. 140 character limit wtf? I did enjoy Conan's twitter tracker skits, and actually like the fictional character twitters. Currently following Spongebob and Serge Graystone.


beer, I want beer
facebook is bad enough, with the "TGIF" and "blah it's monday" updates. It's like you're compelled to write something, anything, just so you can update the stupid status. I don't give a fuck what I'm doing at any given moment; why should I bother everyone else with it too?


Shifty sumbitch
Or only updated when there's something interesting/important to share.

Like, "I got a job, motherfucker!"


Shifty sumbitch
You got a job as a motherfucker?

Sweet job!

It was all good until I fucked [random]'s mom. What a bitch. And then [random] was not thrilled, either.