Poof!: Social Security surplus bites the dust


I'm not wearing any pants!!
From here

PBS reports that the Social Security surplus, once considered safe for a generation, now may disappear in two years, next year … or may already have vanished. According to Treasury’s website, we tipped over into deficit spending of SocSec in February of this year. The sudden disappearance of SocSec surplus will have dramatic impacts on budget-deficit projections, as the clip explains, since administrations use the surplus to make the deficits look smaller than they really are:


It looks like we should've paid more attention to that crazy "Social Security needs to be fixed!" nonsense that evil Bush was spouting a few years back.


Zombie Hunter
Fuck. I did a "Town Hall meeting" back then with Senator Ron Wyden (D) OR. He is going to burn in Hell for it. Fucker stood up there in the front of the room and basically told the audience that they were too stupid to be trusted to plan for their own retirements.

The irony was that he was right, because all the fucking sheep cheered him and were grateful that he was there to fight the Evil Bush.

I sent him a polite e-mail the next day, trying to explain why SS needed reform, and he politely replied that I should go pound sand.