pornos over 3 minutes are worthless

Love Child

One Love
I agree.
And sometimes the porn story line gets in the way of me watching porn
I just want to see fucking
all the way through
that way I don't have to pause
and fast forward or rewind to the good parts
or have I just watched really crappy porn?

But really 3 minutes? : )

bad dog

<marquee direction="left" behavior="alternate" scr
I agree.
And sometimes the porn story line gets in the way of me watching porn
I just want to see fucking
all the way through
that way I don't have to pause
and fast forward or rewind to the good parts
or have I just watched really crappy porn?

But really 3 minutes? : )

ya good hard fucking!

just like reallife, i dont want you to slowly lick my cock, I want you to go whole hog and take that fucker down and milk that fucker as hard deap and fast AS YOU CAN.

I got shit to do and cant wait on you all day.


Love Child

One Love
And then when they are done
just move on to the next people fucking
don't need the story line
maybe it takes me a little bit longer this time
so just bam next couple fucking, no foreplay
or just put a fucking repeater on
over and over again

Archibald Nixon

anti-life coach
One of the best ideas I ever had was to get a movie-projectionist friend of mine to raid several of the defunct wack-palace cinemas in Boston's Combat Zone (the erstwhile porn district) for porn trailers, then splice them all into one 90-minute feature to show to friends after hours. I don't think I've ever laughed so hard in my life. There's nothing in the world funnier than a pre-1980 porn trailer (which could run anywhere from 3 to 10 minutes long,) especially the ones that take themselves seriously.

Dirk Funk

Evil Penguin
I too like the ones with lots of fucking. The foreplay is stupid, and doesn't work for me. I'm not too big on the facials, but I love lots of penetration and good creampie shots.


Let's fuck some shit up
Yeah, creampies ftw. I have a lot more comments to make about this, but I'll do that later.

The Dork Lord

Whipping Boy
I never understood why some pornos have "plots". It's not like anyone cares WHY the people are screwing...


Unluckiest Charm in the Box

How do you all feel about bondage and tentacle rape. I hear Gagh is really into that kind of thing ;)

Oh.. and we can't forget Dungeon Rape. You know, the ones complete with both kitchen utensils and rusty power tools :)

I Love Cunt

Watch It
I am not allowed to watch porn anymore. But tentacle rape is hot. Bondage is nice, its more about the resistance for me. How do you feel about Dungeon Rape Stargard?


on a break from forums

How do you all feel about bondage and tentacle rape. I hear Gagh is really into that kind of thing ;)

Oh.. and we can't forget Dungeon Rape. You know, the ones complete with both kitchen utensils and rusty power tools :)

I like some mild BDSM. Not too hardcore though. I'm mostly into lesbian porn because of the plethora of pussy!



Let's fuck some shit up
Everyone I know who watches a decent amount of porn told me to go watch Pirates. Let me tell you, it sucked. I was fairly unimpressed.

Anyway, yeah, I'm always skipping through videos to get to the juicy stuff. 3 min of highlights is all you need. If it takes longer than that to get your nut off, stop fapping so damned much.