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Potential SNES multiplayer games


Grand Wizard of TK
I went with SEGA Genesis during that console generation so I’m not very familiar with SNES titles.

So far we have Street Fighter II a groundbreaking fighting game. But what other titles could be included in the TK game list?
Many titles for the Genesis were also present on the SNES.

For fighting games, we have Mortal Kombat 1-3 (And some special editions I imagine.)

Side-scrollers such as Alien vs. Predator or Spider-man support co-operative mode. I'm sure there's a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles somewhere around there.

Then you have your 'simpler games,' such as Bomberman, Tetris, etc.

I'll dig up some of the games and throw them in the pile here. The 'active' games that would have 2 or more participants can be compiled into a thread.

And... it's possible that some Sega emulators support multiplayer, so we're not limited, but I think it would be best to keep things simple for the time being. ZSnes will probably entail a lot of personal attention for troubleshooting for some.

Suggest games here.
Yeah I was searching through my Genesis games and found a golden oldie called General Chaos. Unfortunately it didn’t appear on SNES.

TMNT would be great. The one I played with a friend often was called The Hyperstone Heist or something similar, it’s been a few years through.
WWF games were annoyingly amusing to play, especially the free-for-all mode.
One ROM I looked for back when I was finding ROMs but couldn't get a good copy of was Zombies Ate My Neighbors.
Thread unstickied. Consider this a discussion thread, with the 'Software' sticky a suggestion thread.