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Prepare For Your Undoing........


New member
G*d's Wrath.

I have been taking a prayer class so that I will be able to communicate more effectively with G*d and so far it is working!! The guy who teaches the class is really good. Tonight he taught from the Book of Psalm and since I have never read the Bible I come home to review what he teaches us. One verse in particular really hit home for me.

Psalm 3; 1-2

O Lord, how many are my foes! How many rise up against me like an Army!
Many are saying of me
"God will not deliver her"

I thought to myself.........this guy knows my story! He knows I am fighting the Army right now. I was totally amazed.
Then he told me what to do so that the evil people in the Army, AirForce, CIA, U.S. Reps and all the other feds who are bad will have to face G*d's wrath now.

I will be working on my warrior prayer tonight and tomorrow because I want to make this one really good. So far he has answered all my prayers.

I would hate to be some of you right now.
There is this man in my prayer is like deja vu or something. I think I know him from a previous life or something. He reminds me of someone I used to know.

Very Handsome too!! It is always good to have handsome men in a class.
The Question. I have always thought you are dangerous. You also started this battle with me, gave me no other choice in the matter. You have lost sight of who the real enemy is by making me the enemy.

I am fighting for my survival now, with the help of DS, Jon, Gagh and a few others.