Cait, Hambil, and Shatna essentially resigned their adminships.
Mentalist and Eggs are now admins.
There's a fourth invisible tech admin that will remain nameless.
Messenger/Zodiac/Kefka/leaderoftheDLA/masterofallduals went apeshit on Shatna, S. Sadiablo, Heroic Fool, Ru Reddy and others and ende up pushing all but the latter off of TK.
I've been rabble rousing a bit. Even totally pwned a guy by the name of RWC. check out his 'exposed' thread in any of the fora here at TK.
Mentalist has become hopelessly addicted to Youtube.
Eggs still loves stoli.
Wacky's got himself a new axe and hitler as a rape artist.
There are a few new faces. And some of the older faces have disappeared. But, all in all, TK's TK.
It's good to have you back, Dev.