Prince Lorenzo


I want to smell dark matter
Ah, yes...

Prince Lorenzo...

We all know who that is!

Eggs Mayonnaise

All In With The Nuts
He was on The Bachelor, but I don't watch that show because I'm not a fat insane single bunny-boiling stalker woman.


I want to smell dark matter
He doesn't sound very Italian.

Eggs Mayonnaise

All In With The Nuts
I think he said he was born there but raised in Connecticut. I'm thinking Greenwich with all the super rich folk. My hometown was a middle-class melting pot town surrounded by all the super-rich towns filled with celebrities and corporate titans.


I want to smell dark matter
He seems to have manners at least.


I want to smell dark matter
LOL his face at the end.


I want to smell dark matter
Evicted. :sarek:

Eggs Mayonnaise

All In With The Nuts
JULIAN WILL AVENGE THIS unless he didn't like him either (I haven't watched since the first few episodes)


I want to smell dark matter
He nominated him several times but didn't hate him or anything.